You are able to create a new stored value item by entering the basic type, payment gateway, and ticket template information into the Stored Value Items|Details page. Once created, you are able to associate the stored value item to delivery methods just like all other payment methods.
To create a new stored value item:
1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Stored Value Items tab.
The Stored Value Items|Search page appears.
3.Click 'Create New'.
The Stored Value Items|Details page appears.
4.Enter the details of the stored value item into the Stored Value Items Details section. Enter the following information:
▪Name: Enter the name you want to give the stored value item (Members Gift Card).
The 'Short Description' is displayed to Online customers. If a value is not entered in this field, the 'Name' will be displayed.
▪Displayed Label: Enter he name that you want to display to users (not customer-facing).
If you use multiple languages, you can add a name for each language.
▪Short Description: Enter a short description for the stored value item.
The 'Short Description' is displayed to Online customers. If a value is not entered in this field, the 'Name' will be displayed.
▪Description: Enter a description for the stored value item.
This is not customer-facing.
▪Type: Select the type of stored value item:
oPurchase: The stored value item can only be purchased (gift certificate).
oPurchase + Reload: The stored value item can be purchased and reloaded (gift card).
oPurchased Fixed: The stored value item can only be purchased at a predefined amount.
oPurchased Fixed + Reload Fixed: The stored value item can only be purchased and reloaded at a predefined amount.
oReload: The stored value item can only be reloaded.
oReload Fixed: The stored value item can only be reloaded at a predefined amount
A 'Fixed' stored value item indicates that the amount that can be added to the stored value item can only be selected by pre-set amounts, which have already been configured on the Stored Value Item. If the item is not 'Fixed', the 'Amount' field (found below), will also show a list of available pre-set amounts, and will be editable.
▪Sales Type: Select how you want to be able to filter the stored value item in search results. This field does not affect the way that stored value items are sold.
oAdd-on: The stored value item can be filtered as an additional item to the shopping cart (for add-on articles).
oPrimary: The stored value item can be filtered normally.
oUpsell: The stored value item can be filtered as a recommended better option than the one currently selected in the shopping cart (for upsell articles).
▪Gateway: Select the payment gateway used for processing payments used against the stored value item. Use Gift Card, Gift Certificate or Account for gift card, gift certificate or account-type stored value items respectively.
Ensure that you have the correct payment gateway for the stored value item type to avoid errors in payment processing.
Hint Ensure that the payment method that you are using for stored value item also has the same 'Gateway' selected from the General Configuration - Payment Methods|Basic page's 'Gateway' dropdown. For more information, refer to Creating a Payment Method. |
▪Amount: Enter the amount you want to allot to the stored value item at the time of purchase. By setting the value, the value of the stored value item is fixed. If you want to allow the stored value item to be purchased/reloaded with any value (not fixed) leave one field empty.
▪Expiry: Click to select the date or
to select the duration that the stored value item will expire.
Caution In some places, it is illegal for gift certificates/cards to have an expiry date. Consult with your accounting team regarding your organization's situation. |
▪Association: Specify the relationship between the stored value item and any customers who purchase it, so that customers can more accurately be targeted for marketing purposes.
For more information, refer to Customer Associations and Message Sources.
▪Category: Enter a name that you want to use to categorize/group stored value items.
▪Ticket Template: Select the ticket template that will be used when the stored value item is printed.
▪Assigned Pass: If you want to assign the stored value item to a pass, select it from the 'Assigned Pass' dropdown. If you specify an 'Assigned Pass', it must also be selected from the 'Eligible Pass' field.
▪Eligible Passes: If you want to allow customers to assign the stored value item to a list of passes, select the the pass(es) from the 'Eligible Passes' field. If you specify an 'Assigned Pass', it must also be selected from the 'Eligible Pass' field.
▪Additional Info: Enter the full URL to your site or click to search for an article that you want to display when a customer clicks on an additional info link.
Click to verify that the correct article will be displayed.
▪Image 1: Select the image that will appear online beside the selection check box for the stored payment item.
Caution The 'Image 2' field is not currently in use. |
▪Add-On Article: Click to search for the add-on article that you want to display to customers after the stored value item has been added to the shopping cart.
A link to the add-on article will appear on the shopping cart page and the Customer Services - Order|Summary page.
▪Upsell Article: Click to search for the upsell article that you want to display to online and Desktop users when they select the stored value item.
A link to the upsell article will appear on the shopping cart page and the Customer Services - Order|Summary page.
▪Payment Methods: Select the payment method(s) that can be used to purchase the stored value item.
If an order contains multiple items with different payment methods, only the payment methods that all of the items have in common will be available. For example, if an admission has three payment methods available (Cash, Visa and MasterCard) and a gift card has one payment method available (Visa), then only the common payment method(s) (Visa) will be available.
▪Payment Plans: Select the payment plan(s) that can be used to purchase this stored value item.
If an order contains multiple items with different payment plans, only the payment plans that all of the items have in common will be available. For example, if a bundle has three payment plans available (Bi-Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly) and a gift card has one payment plan available (Bi-Weekly), then only the common payment plan(s) (Bi-Weekly) will be available.
▪Delivery Methods: Select the delivery method used for the stored value item.
5.If you want to use the stored data values against your stored value item and use BI to retrieve information against them, enter the appropriate information in the data fields in the stored value item data field:
▪Data [1-8]: Text fields
▪Keyword: Enter any keywords that you want to use to make searching online easier.
▪Rank: Enter a number to determine the order that stored value items will be displayed online. Store value items are ranked in descending order (4 will be ranked before 1).
▪Date [1-2]: Date field
▪Currency [1-2]: Currency fields
▪Fixed Integer [1-2]: Fixed integer fields
▪Multidata [1-2]: Multiple data entry fields
6.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the stored value item was created.
7.Click 'OK'.