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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Navigation: Utilities > Utilities - Orders > Performing Orders Batch Processes

Deleting Events or Bundles from a Batch of Orders

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You can delete items from orders if tickets for the events and/or bundles have not been printed (or Warning Message 5282: You are attempting to release seats that have been printed. Doing so will cancel the printed tickets. You must reload the order to undelete the seat. Continue? is suppressed for the role).

To delete items from orders:

1.Open Utilities from the Desktop.

2.Select the Orders tab.
The Orders|Query Select page appears.

3.Select General Order Update from the Order Update section.
The Orders|Order Update page appears.

4.Search for the orders that you want to update.
Your search results appear in the Search Results section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<' and '>' buttons to open the additional pages.

5.To update specific orders select the check box next to each order.
Click 'Select All' to select all of the orders on the current page. This will not select orders on other pages. If you want to update all of the orders in the search results, you can choose to do so at the end of this procedure.

6.Select an option from the 'Process Range' dropdown:

All: The orders returned by the search will be updated.

Selected: Only the selected orders will be updated.

7.Select Delete from the 'Process Type' dropdown.
The 'Delete Option' and 'Delete Reason' fields appear.

8.Select an option from the 'Delete Option' dropdown:

Everything: All of the events, bundles, miscellaneous items, gifts and gift cards /certificates will be removed from the orders.

Events Only: Any event admissions will be removed from the orders.

Bundles Only: Any bundles admissions will be removed from the orders.

Events/Bundles Only: Any event and bundle admissions will be removed from the orders.

9.Enter a reason for deleting the admissions in the 'Delete Reason' field.

10.Select the check box for each warning message that you want to suppress from the Suppress Warning Messages section:

Balance Due: Enables you to update orders with a balance due.

Overpaid: Enables you to update orders that are overpaid.

Unfulfilled Bundles: Enables you to update orders containing unfulfilled bundles.

11.Click 'Execute'.

The batch results section appears at the bottom of the page indicating the progress of the batch. When completed, Batch Run Completed! appears.