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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides




Use Case

Source File Format

How the Script Works

Data Management Configuration




Script Name

Update Customer Membership Expiry

Minimum Supported Version


Source Type

Single Source

Script Definitions

Update Customer Membership Expiry


Use Case

Updates the expiry date on customers' memberships.

Source File Format

This script is run using a single .CSV or BI (saved as a text/csv 'Extract Tempate') source file.


The following image illustrates the structure required for the Customer BI query:




The following table outlines the field mapping:



Source Column Header

Field Name

UI Field Location




N/A - Uniquely identifies each record


How the Script Works

The following table outlines the actions and expected results of the script:



Expected Results

If the script job is executed with memberships selected from the 'Membership Name' field, and a relative date selected/entered in the 'Expiry Date' field.

The script will look for the selected memberships on all of the customers returned by the BI results to calculate the new expiry date based on the relative date entered.

For example, if the 'Expiry Date' is set to +2Y the expriy dates for all of the matching customers and membership will be extended by two years.

The new expiry date will be applied to the matching customers and memberships.

If the script job is executed with memberships selected from the 'Membership Name' field, and an exact date selected/entered in the 'Expiry Date' field.

The script will look for the selected memberships on all of the customers returned by the BI results to update each match with the new 'Expiry Date' entered.

The new expiry date will be applied to the matching customers and memberships.




The Registry - Registry::EN::Business Objects::TScustomerBO::Memberships::Expiry Date node's 'Subtype' must be set to Standard for the script to run.


Data Management Configuration



Because the customers returned by the BI are the primary records, the 'Successful Rows' value on the Data Management|Results page will indicate the total number of customers returned regardless of whether or not the customers have a membership which was updated.


The following outlines the data management job configuration:

Data Management Job Name: Update Customer Membership Expiry

Script Definition: Update Customer Membership Expiry

Job Criteria Section



Customer Identifier

Any value from the customer identifiers list can be used, based on the values in the source file to identify a customer uniquely. The default value is set to Customer Number.

Membership Name

Select the the membership(s) that need(s) to be updated.

Expiry Date

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.


The following image is an example of the Data Management|Schedule page when creating a job using all of the available source files:

