You can update the start and end dates, promotion codes, the offer status and response dates for a batch of offers.
To update a batch of offers:
1.Open Utilities from the Desktop.
2.Select the Offers tab.
The Offers|Query Select page appears.
3.Select the General Offer Invoce query.
The Offers|Offer Invoice page appears.
4.Search for and select the offers that you want to invoice.
Your search results appear in the Select Offers section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<' and '>' buttons to open the additional pages.
5.To update the details of specific offers, select the check box next to each offer that you want to update.
Click 'Select All' to select all of the offers on the current page. This will not select offers on other pages. If you want to update all of the offers in the search results, you can choose to do so at the end of this procedure.
6.Update the applicable fields in the Select Offer Updates section:
▪Start Date: Click to select a date or
to select a duration.
Caution If the offer start date is changed to be in the future, the offer will no longer be eligible to be accepted by any customers who have this offer. The offer will become available on the new offer start date. If the start date is changed to be in the past, the offer will become immediately available. |
▪End Date: Click to select a date or
to select a duration.
Information If the offer end date is changed to a date in the future, the seats will be on hold until that date. If the offer end date is changed to a date in the past, any seats on hold for the offer will be released and the offer status will be set to Closed. |
▪Promotional Code Option: Select whether you want to Update or Remove the promotion code from the offers.
▪Promotional Code: Click to search for a promotion that you want to update.
This field only appears when Update has been selected from the 'Promotional Code Option' dropdown.
▪Offer Status: Select the status that you want to update the offers with:
Caution If the status is changed to Declined or Closed, all of the admissions on the offers are released. |
Information If the status is changed to Open, the offers are opened unless they were already set to Accepted or Closed or the offer end date is in the past. If the status is changed from Declined to Open, no new seats are put on hold. |
▪Optionally, set a response date for the status change by selecting a date from the 'Response Date' field.
The response date is the date that is associated with the change in status
If no date is entered, the response date is defaulted to the current date and time.
▪Decline Reason: If you are declining the offers, enter a reason why.
▪Response Date: To update the date that customers must respond by, click to select a date or
to select a duration..
7.Select an option from the 'Process Range' dropdown:
▪All: The applicable fields will be updated on all of the offers returned by the search.
▪Selected: The applicable fields will be updated on the selected offers only.
8.Select the check box for each warning message that you want to suppress:
▪Closing Offer: Enables you to close offers.
▪Declining Offer: Enables you to decline offers.
9.Click 'Execute'.
The batch results section appears indicating the progress of the batch. When completed, Batch Run Completed! appears.