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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

If users forget their passwords, you can assign them new, temporary passwords. The first time the customer logs in with the password, they will have to change it.

To assign a new password to a user:

1.Open Application Security from the Desktop.

2.Select the Users tab.
The Users|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the user that you want to assign a new password.
The Users|Basic page appears.

4.Enter a temporary password in the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields.

5.Select an option from the 'Expiry Rule' dropdown:

Expire Now: Expires the password immediately. This forces the user to create a new password.

Does Not Expire: The password never expires.

Normal: The password expiration date is set to the one predefined in the system.

6.Click 'Change Password'.
A window confirms that the password was updated.

7.Click 'OK'.
The password expiry date is set to the current date and time.

8.Give the temporary password to the user. When the user logs in using this password, the user will be prompted to create a new password for the account.