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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can configure allow customers to add particular events to social networking tools (Facebook, Delicious, Digg). Once configured, customers can select the social networking tool on either seatSelect.asp or mapSelect.asp and the event's additional information (configured in the 'Additional Info' field in the URLs section of Event Configuration - Events|Basic page) will be sent to the tool.



After creating an Add This account (, you will receive a javascript that must be inserted into your website. Within the javascript will be a pubid. Insert the pubid into the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Online::Add This node's 'addthis_pub' field.

To allow users to use the Add This functionality:

1.Open Application Security from the Desktop.

1.Select the Groups tab.
The Group|Search page appears.

2.Search for and select the WebSales group.
The Group|Basic page appears.

3.Select the Content tab.
The Group|Content page appears.

4.Select the Online property.
Content currently visible to the WebSales group appears.

5.Hold CTRL and select Add This.

6.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the group was updated.

7.Click 'OK'.

8.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.

9.Select the Lists tab.
The Lists|Search page appears.

10.Search for and select the Site URLs list.
The Lists|Basic page appears.

11.Select the Entries tab.
The Lists|Entries page appears.

12.Enter your online URL in the 'Key' field (https://www.YOUR_ORGANIZATION'S_SITE/Online).

13.Click 'Add Entry'.
A new list entry row appears.

14.Enter the online URL in the 'English' field.

15.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the list was updated.

16.Click 'OK'.

17.Open Event Configuration from the Desktop.

18.Select the Events tab.
The Events|Search page appears.

19.Search for and select the event that you want to work with.
The Events|Basic page appears.

20.In the 'Options' field in the event data section, hold CTRL and select Enable Add This.

21.Click Select an Item next to the 'URL for Published Events' to search for the article that you want to use with Add This.
If you are entering a URL, include the base URL that was added to the Site URLs list.
If you are searching for and selecting the article, ensure that you select the URL that you added to the Site URLs list from the 'Base Site URL' dropdown.

22.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the event was updated.

23.Click 'OK'.




The components of the Add This functionality are configured in the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Online::Add This node.