Once you have created a form field you it to a Body article:
1.Open Content Management from the Desktop.
2.Select the Articles tab.
The Articles|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the article that you want to work with.
The Articles|Basic page appears.
4.If you want to require that users log in to submit the form article, select Required from the 'Article Authentication' field.
5.Select the Text tab.
The Articles|Text page appears.
6.Place the cursor in the part of the article where you want to insert the form field.
7.Click 'Insert Field'.

The 'Insert Field' button only appears once form fields have been created.
8.Select the Insert Form Field from the dropdown.
The Insert Form Field window appears.
9.Select the field that you want to insert into the article from the 'Article Fields' dropdown.
10.Select the type of field that you want to insert from the 'Render Style' dropdown:
▪Password: Makes the field a password entry field. All entries are masked.
▪Radio: Makes the field a radio select field.
▪Check Box: Makes the field a check box select field.
▪Time: Makes the field a time field.
▪Days of Week: Makes the field a day of the week field.
▪Color: Makes the field a colour select field.
▪Hidden: Hides the field.
11.Enter any applicable CSS ID information (with no spaces) in the 'cssID' field.
12.Enter any applicable CSS styles that you want to apply to the form fields (background:blue,color:white) in the 'cssStyle' field.
13.Enter any applicable CSS class information (with no spaces) in the 'cssClass' field.
For more information, refer to Branding.
14.Click 'Insert Form Field'.
The field is inserted into the article.
15.For every form field that you want to insert, repeat the process from Step 7.
16.Once you have inserted all of the necessary form fields, you have to insert the 'Submit' button so that customers can submit their answers.
17.Place the cursor at the bottom of the article where you want to insert the 'Submit' button.
18.Click 'Insert Field'.
19.Select Insert Submit Button from the dropdown.
The 'Submit' button is inserted into the article.
20.Highlight all of the text, form fields and the 'Submit' button.
21.Click 'Insert Field'.
22.Select Create Form from the dropdown.
The form is created around the highlighted portion of the article.
23.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the article was updated.
24.Click 'OK'.