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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Online Components

Page Title


Shopping Cart

Main Menu

Search Fields

Primary Feature Articles

Centre Body Column

Secondary Feature Column

Tertiary Feature Column

Footer Section

Online Sales Groups, Role and User

Online Style Sheets

Create Account Page

Name Section

Address and Phone Sections

User Settings Section

Marketing Section

Email Section

Communication Preferences Section

My Account Page



This section provides an introduction to the online interface and its various configurable components.

Online Components

When customers access your online site, what they see depends on their access settings. The main components include the following.

Page Title

Page titles vary from one page to another and are defined within the Registry. The title of the above image is defined within the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Online::Events::Events Title node. The default text is 'default article'. For more information, refer to default.asp.


The header bar contains information site information such as the banner image, logo, welcome message, links to the site's corresponding pages, and the logged in users’ order status. For details on modifying these images, refer to Managing Articles.

Shopping Cart

The shopping cart displays the status of the logged in users' order. The number of tickets currently held by the customer are displayed in the shopping cart information box. Users can click on this area to remove inventory from the order or check out and pay for the order.

Main Menu

The Main Menu displays the functions or areas of the online that the user is able to navigate to. Users are able to click on the menu links that will navigate them to the specific .asp pages for purchasing tickets, bundles and merchandise. The navigational elements of the Main Menu are all created and established by your organization. Only one navigation element, 'Help', is automatically displayed.

Search Fields

Search fields allow the online user to search for the on-sale events that they desire. Search criteria based on the 'Event Name' and 'Event Start Date/Time' can be entered into the online module. The resultant events that match the entered event name and date criteria will be displayed as a result.

Primary Feature Articles

Primary Feature Articles are articles that are displayed just below the Main Menu and Search Field areas of the screen. The articles will scroll across the screen, allowing the user to click on the article they desire in order to open the specific article. Primary Feature Articles can contain information on specific events or offers and can also be created to display on-sale information about a specific on-sale item. For example, an article could be created for a specific event. Upon clicking on the article, the user is navigated to the event's on-sale page and is able to purchase admissions immediately.

Centre Body Column

The Centre Body Column contains articles configured to display in the centre column. Users are able to click on the article for more information. Articles can be configured to include search results ('Body With Search') for events. The user is able to click on the specific article in order to navigate to the purchase page for the specific returned event.

Secondary Feature Column

The Right Body Column contains articles configured to display in the right column. Users are able to click on the article for more information. Articles can be configured to include search results ('Body With Search') for events. The user is able to click on the specific article in order to navigate to the purchase page for the specific returned event.

Tertiary Feature Column

The Left Body Column contains articles configured to display in the left column. Users are able to click on the article for more information. Articles can be configured to include search results ('Body With Search') for events. The user is able to click on the specific article to navigate to the purchase page for the specific returned event.

Footer Section

The Footer Section contains a Banner-type article at the base of the page. The typical information displayed in the footer contains your organization's slogan, all copyright information, and links to your organization's Terms and Conditions as well as the Privacy Policy.


Online Sales Groups, Role and User

The following default groups, role and user for online sales are pro. You can configure these using Application Security. The following table describes these defaults:





Anonymous WebSales

The group customers use to access online before logging in.

This group’s default settings enable you to search for events and bundles and create orders. It does not, however, enable you to complete orders.



The group logged-in users use to access online.

This group’s default settings enable you to create and complete orders, maintain your user account, and view your order history, ticket usage, and entitlements.



The Internet role is used by both anonymous and logged-in users.

This role defines the default offer time out period, invoice templates, and online preferences.

To enable users to access events, bundles, and fundraising programs through online sales, you must assign the Internet role to them.



The user that customers are assigned to before logging in.

Customers who create an online account appear in Customer Services. By default, they are assigned to the Internet role and the WebSales group.


Online Style Sheets

The fonts and colours used online are defined within external cascading style sheets. These style sheets (.CSS) contain several style definitions you can use to customize the appearance of your online.

For reference, styles are determined in the following order of priority:

1.Inline style sheets (inside the HTML element itself)

2.Internal style sheet (inside the files <head> element)

3.External style sheet (CSS)

4.Browser default

The style sheet is included in the AudienceView\UI\Online\ file. For the primary brand, this file (global.css) is located in the AudienceView\UI\Online\brands directory. While, for secondary brands, these files are located in AudienceView\UI\Online\BrandName directory.


Create Account Page

Users can create their own account using the Create Account page.


Name Section




A title for the customer (Mr., Mrs.).

First Name

The customer’s first name.

Middle Initial

The middle name of the customer.

Last Name

The customer’s last name.


A suffix to the customer’s name (Jr., Sr.)

Address and Phone Sections




The default address for the customer.


Phone numbers for the customer. Use Phone 5 and Phone 6 to add additional phone numbers.

User Settings Section



User Name

The user name the customer will use to log in to online sales.

User names must be unique. When customers attempt to create an account that already exists, they are presented with alternate user name options. These options could include combinations of the first and last names, along with numbers.


The password the customer will use to log in to online sales.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password entered in the 'Password' field.

Marketing Section



Marketing Data 1/10

Allows for marketing data questions to be posed towards the customer, to gain specific marketing information about the users ('What is your favourite colour?' or 'What is your favourite sports team?').

Date 1

Allows for a specified date to be inputted. 'Calendar' icon on the right of the box can be utilized to choose the specific date (for birthdays).

Currency 1

Allows for any specified currency to be configured and inputted (dollars, pounds, miles).

Fixed Integer 1

Allows for only numerical digits to be inputted here.

Email Section




The customer’s email address.

You should enter an email address. This will be used along with your username to recover/reset your password.

Work Email

The customer's work email address.

EAddress 2

A second field available for alternate email addresses.

EAddress 3

A third field available for alternate email addresses.

Communication Preferences Section




Customer’s preferred language for correspondence


Keywords the customer is able to associate with their account in order to indicate their preferred events

Correspondence Permission Checkbox

A check box where, if checked, the customer is granting permission to be contacted regarding news, offers and updates


My Account Page

Users are brought to their own personal account page, which allows them to tailor and maintain various aspects of their own particular account information, such as password information, ticket history, upcoming events, offers, benefits and more. These various information fields can be found on the left-hand side of the account page, with individual tabs for each field.




Account Home

This page displays the user's Upcoming Events and Recent Transactions for the various shows/items that have been purchased.

The Upcoming Events section includes information such as the event description/title, the date of the event and the venue where it is taking place. Clicking the View All link will take the user to the Upcoming Events page.

The Recent Transaction section includes your recent paid orders. Clicking the View All link will take the user to the Order History page.

Account Information

Provides pertinent account information, such as:

User Information: Displays information about the user, including User Name, the date the account was created (Start Date), the user's preferred language and the keywords associated with the account.

Contacts: Displays the user's contact information and allows the user to add and edit the contact information.

Addresses: Displays the user's address information, and allows the user to add and edit contact and address information. The address selected is both the billing and shipping address.

Communication Preferences: Allows the user to specify how or if he/she would like to receive information (through email, phone, mail).

Change Password

Allows the user to change the account's password. The user can do this by typing in the current password, then entering and re-entering the new password.

Marketing Data

The marketing data tab poses tailored marketing data questions used to gather further information about the customer for marketing and research purposes.

Default Payment Method

Allows the user to select the Default Payment Method (Visa, MasterCard, gift card).

Check Gift Card Balance

If the user has an active gift card, the remaining balance can be checked within this tab. Once the tab is clicked, the 'Check Your Card Balance' pop-up appears listing the various gift card versions. Once the user completes the 'Number' and 'Redemption Number' fields the remaining card balance information will be provided.

Order History

This page lists all of the orders that the user has placed throughout the existence of the account.

Available tickets can be forwarded/reprinted by clicking the Forward/Reprint Tickets hyperlink.Each order has an associated order number that appears as a hyperlink. Upon clicking this order number/hyperlink, the user will be taken to the Order Summary page.

Upcoming Events

Shows the user's upcoming events.

Ticket History

Lists the user's purchased ticket history.

Allows the user to search for ticket history based on a range of dates. The customer can enter dates into the fields or click calendarIcon-7.X to insert dates.


Shows the user's memberships, if any.


Shows the user's benefits, if any, which the user can use towards ticket purchases or on special deals.


Shows the user's offers, if any.


This tab keeps record of the user's 'Friends', who are other online users/customers.

Allows for the users to search for other users to add them to their 'Friends' list by completing the 'Customer #' and the 'Last Name' fields and clicking 'Add Link'.