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Making Products Available Online

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To allow customers to purchase events, bundles and fundraising programs online, you must associate their role with the appropriate payment methods, delivery methods and price charts. By default, all online customers are assigned to the Internet role.



Only customers with online accounts can make purchases.

To enable users to make purchases online:

1.Define the allowable payment methods that can be used to purchase items.
You can do this using the 'Roles allowed to accept payments' field on the General Configuration - Payment Methods|Basic page for every payment method that you are making available.

2.Define the allowable delivery methods that can used to deliver tickets and merchandise.
You can do this using the 'Roles' field on the General Configuration - Delivery Method|Basic page for every delivery method you are making available.

3.Define the charges that will be applied to transactions.
You can do this using the Product Configuration - Charges|Cap page for every charge that you want to apply.
For more information, refer to Capping a Charge.

4.Define the prices and price models that will be available.
You can do this using the Event Configuration - Price Charts|Pricing page for every price chart that you are making available.

5.As applicable, enable customers to purchase held seats online.
You can do this using the Role Assignment Section of the Legends - Hold Types|Details page for every hold type that you are making available.

6.Specify the email address that will be used when sending documents electronically.
You can do this using the 'Email From Address' field of the Application Security - Roles|Basic page for every online-related role.
For more information, refer to Configuring Email Settings.

Customers can now use these options online.