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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Before You Begin

Creating a MasterPass Payment Method



Before You Begin

Before creating a MasterPass payment method, ensure you have:

Contacted your customer success manager.

Created roles to access the payment method If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time.

Created a ticket template, if applicable. If this has not been created, you can assign it at any time.


Creating a MasterPass Payment Method

MasterPass is a digital wallet that retrieves customer credit card information that has been stored in the customer's MasterPass accounts.


The MasterPass gateway is used in conjunction with a 'Child Gateway' (the TenderRetail payment gateway - TouchNet is not currently supported) for MasterPass payments made online. Refunds via MasterPass can be performed via the Desktop and operate the same way that refunds to the 'Child Gateway'.

Once you create a MasterPass payment method it can be assigned to sellable items and can be used.

To create a new MasterPass payment method:

1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Payment Methods tab.

The Payment Methods|Search page appears.

3.Click 'Create New'.
The Payment Method|Basic page appears.

4.Enter MasterPass in the 'Name' field.

5.Select MasterPass from the 'Type' dropdown.

6.Select MasterPass from the 'Gateway' dropdown.

7.Copy and paste into the 'Logo' field.

8.Copy and paste into the 'Button Image' field.
This is the image that will display as the 'MasterPass' button. If this field is left blank, the button will not appear in online and MasterPass will not be enabled.

9.Copy and paste in the 'Info Action' field.
The URL will use the display text configured in the Registry - Registry::EN::Application::Online node's 'Learn More Link Text' field.

10.Select Confirm Payment After Redirection from the 'Options' field.

11.Complete the remaining applicable fields.




Once you save the payment method, you cannot modify the 'Type' nor 'Payment Usage' fields.

12.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the payment method was created.

13.Click 'OK'.

14.Open Application Security from the Desktop.

15.Select the Groups tab.
The Group|Search page appears.

16.Search for and select the WebSales group.
The Groups|Basic page appears.

17.Select the Permissions tab.
The Groups|Permissions page appears.

18.Select the TSorderBO property.

19.Hold CTRL and select initiateExpressCheckout and queryExpressCheckout from the 'Actions' field.
If you do not hold CTRL while making your selection all of the 'Actions' that are currently selected will be deselected.

20.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the group was updated.

21.Click 'OK'.

22.Repeat the process from Step 15, searching for and selecting the Anonymous Websales group.

23.Open Registry from the Desktop.

24.Navigate to the System::Configuration::Payment Gateways::MasterPass node.

25.Select the appropriate payment gateway used for credit card payment from the 'child_gateway' dropdown.
This is the gateway that will be used to process the MasterPass payment.




The TouchNet payment gateway is not currently supported.

26.Enter the credit cards, separated by commas, that you want to accept via MasterPass in the 'mp_acceptable_cards' field.




Acceptable values are amex, diners, discover, maestro, master and visa.

27.Enter the values provided by your customer success manager in the following fields:



For more information, refer to MasterPass - Payment Gateway.

28.Click 'Apply'.
A banner confirms that the Registry was updated.

29.Click 'OK'.