To create a promotion calendar entry:
1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Promotions tab.
The Promotions|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the promotion that you want to add a calendar entry to.
The Promotions|Details page appears.
4.Select the Calendar tab.
The Promotions|Calendar page appears.
5.Click 'Add Entry'.
A new calendar row appears.
6.Complete the following promotions calendar fields:
a.User Role: Select the roles that will have the promotion automatically activated.
b.Start Date: Click to select the date when you want the promotion to become active.
c.End Date: Click to select the date when you want the promotion to no longer be active.
7.To add different criteria for different roles, repeat the process from Step 5.
8.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the promotion was created.
9.Click 'OK'.