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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



Overview of a Proofing Extract

Configuring the Proofing Extract

Template Setup

Printer Configuration in Registry - System

Session Email From Address and Summary Template Setup

MailHost Setup in Registry

Running the Proofing Extract

Report Formats

Bundle Proofing Tips & Tricks



Overview of a Proofing Extract

The proofing extract provides a summary of the details of the bundle and its versions. The Bundle Proofing extract is run from the Bundles|Details page.

The extract summarizes the following information for each version that exists:

The bundle’s basic details (name, description, payment/delivery methods)

Calendar data as entered on the Bundle|Calendar page

Elements data as entered on the Bundle|Elements page

Any related gift certificates entered on the Bundle|Certificates page


Configuring the Proofing Extract

The following sections describe what you need to configure before you can run Bundle Proof extract.

Template Setup

Verify that the proofing extract template exists:

1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Scripts tab.
The Scripts|Search page appears.

3.Search for the Bundle Proof template to confirm that it exists.

Take note of the template 'Name' and the 'Content Type'. There text/html (HTML), text/csv (CSV) and text/avdocument (PDF) scripts for this extract.

Printer Configuration in Registry - System

To print the proofing extract, you must ensure that your printers have been setup correctly. For more information, refer to Configuring Printers.

Session Email From Address and Summary Template Setup

To email the a proofing extract, you must ensure that email addresses have been configured. For more information, refer to Configuring Email Settings.

Ensure that the value entered in the 'summaryTemplate' field for the Registry - Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSbundleBO node matches the template 'Name'.

MailHost Setup in Registry

To email a proofing extract, you must configure the 'MailHost' address. For more information, refer to Setting the Mailhost.


Running the Proofing Extract

When you run a generated or saved extract, the Default option extracts the proof in a new window in the HTML format. The Default option is defined in the Registry - Registry::Business Objects::TSbundleBO::Summary node's 'Default Value' field.

To run the bundle proofing extract:

1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.
The Bundles|Search page appears.

2.Search for and select the bundle that you want to proof.
The Bundles|Details page appears.

3.Select 'Export' from the 'More Options' menu ().

4.Select an output type from the 'Target' dropdown:


5.Click 'Execute'.


Report Formats

While selecting a report’s output, you can also choose the report’s format:

AVDOC: Formats the report as a PDF (portable document format).

CSV: Formats the report as comma separated values (CSV). This allows you to view the report in programs like Microsoft Excel.

HTML: Formats the report as hypertext markup language (HTML), the standard markup language for creating website and applications.

application/JSON: Formats the report as JavaScript. This allows you to more easily consume report data for dashboards, data warehouses or other sites or system functions.


Bundle Proofing Tips & Tricks


Here are some ways to proof your bundle configuration, and some tips for troubleshooting issues:

After you run the extract, check the calendar settings, price types and available events.

Make sure the price types selected in Product Configuration - Bundles|Details page’s ‘Price Types’ area are on the assigned price charts.

Make sure all events have one and only one price assignment. 

Place the bundle on-sale to your role temporarily. Add a seat from one price zone to your order using the best available option. Check seat counts, seat locations, per event price and total price for accuracy. Repeat for each price zone.

After building your season, submit a support ticket to refresh staging. Once that’s done, complete a test purchase from start to finish in both the Desktop and online. That confirms the bundle is ready to sell with no payment or delivery method errors. Review the invoice to ensure customers receive the proper information.