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Utilities - Offers|Offer Update Page

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Select Offers Section

Select Offer Updates Section

Update Execution Section



The Offers|Query Select page allows you can search for  and update offers in a batch. This is useful when wanting to update a statuses or key dates on offers. For example, you may want to set the status of all Declined offers to Closed to indicate that the offer is no longer valid.


The following image illustrates the Utilities - Offers|Offer Update page when the General Offer Update query is selected:

UTIL-Order-Offer Update-7.28




You can filter searches by entering an entire word/number or you can use wildcard characters to perform a search using portions of the word/number.


The Offer Update section of the Utilities - Offers|Offer Update page contains the following properties when the General Offer Update query is selected:



Customer Number

Filters the search based on the a range of customer numbers.

Offer Name

Filters the search based on the name of the offer.

Start Date

Filters the search based on a range of dates in which the offer began.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

End Date

Filters the search based on a range of dates in which the offer will end.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Offer Gift Appeal Name

Filters the search based on the appeal name included in the offer.

Offer Gift Fund Name

Filters the search based on the fund name included in the offer.

Bundle Name

Filters the search based on the bundle name included in the offer.

Event Code

Filters the search based on the event code(s) included in the offer.

Promotion ID

Filters the search based on any promotions included in the offer.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a promotion.

Offer Item Name

Filters the search based on the name of the miscellaneous item included in the offer.

Select Offers Section

The Select Offers section of the Offers|Offer Update page enables you to select which offers you want to update with new values.


The Select Offers section of the Offers|Offer Updat page displays the results of the search performed in the Select Offers Updates section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<' and '>' buttons to view the additional pages. The offers selected in this section will be updated according to the changes made in the Select Offers Updates section. You cannot select offers on multiple pages. If the two or more offers that you want to select do not appear on the same page, increase the 'Page Size' or narrow your search.

The following image illustrates the Select Offers section of the Offers|Offer Update page:

UTIL-Order-Offer Update_select-7.28

Select Offer Updates Section

The following image illustrates the Select Offer Updates section of the Offers|Offer Update page:


UTIL-Order-Offer Update_updates-7.28


The Select Offer Updates section of the Utilities - Offers|Offer Update page contains the following properties:



Start Date

The initial date the offer is made.

Enter a date or relative date or click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration..



If the offer start date is changed to be in the future, the offer will no longer be eligible to be accepted by any customers who have this offer. The offer will become available on the new offer start date.

If the start date is changed to be in the past, the offer will become immediately available.

End Date

The date the offer ends.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.



If the offer end date is changed to a date in the future, the seats will be on hold until that date.

If the offer end date is changed to a date in the past, any seats on hold for the offer will be released and the offer status will be set to Closed.

Promotional Code Option

Used if you want to update or remove a promo code from a batch of offers.

Promotion Code

Grants access to the offer using a promotion.

This field only appears if Update is selected from the 'Promotional Code Option' dropdown.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a promotion.

If the promotion does not have an access code, only customers with the promotion on a benefit can access the offer.

If the promotion has an access code, customers/staff must enter the promo code to access the offer.

Offer Status

The status of the offer be it Open, Declined or Closed.



If the status is changed to Declined or Closed, all of the admissions on the offers are released.



If the status is changed to Open, the offers are opened unless they were already set to Accepted or Closed or the offer end date is in the past.

If the status is changed from Declined to Open, no new seats are put on hold.

Decline Reason

The reason the offer is declined (No Response from Customer).

Response Date

The date by which the customer must respond.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.


Update Execution Section

The following image illustrates the Update Execution section of the Offers|Offer Update page:


UTIL-Order-Offer Update_execution-7.28

The Update Execution section of the Offers|Offer Update page contains the following properties:



Process Range

All: The offers returned by the search will be updated.

Selected: Only the selected offers will be updated.

Suppress Warnings

Closing Offer: Enables you to close offers.

Declining Offer: Enables you to decline offers.