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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The Utilities - Renewals|Details page allows you to renew batches of orders and/or offers, depending on what options is selected in the 'Renewal Type' dropdown:

New Offer

Creates a batch of new offers based on a previous one.

New Order

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one.

New Order ( Payment Fail OK )

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one. If the selected 'Payment Method' and 'Payment Type' fail, the order will still be created.

New Order ( Payment Fail to Offer )

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one. If the selected 'Payment Method' and 'Payment Type' fail, the order will be converted to an offer.

New Order with Renewal Payment Method

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one, using the saved customer payment method on the source order.

New Order with Renewal Payment Method ( Payment Fail OK )

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one, using the saved customer payment method on the source order. If the payment fails, the order will still be created.

New Order with Renewal Payment Method ( Payment Fail to Offer )

Creates a batch of new orders based on a previous one, using the saved customer payment method on the source order. If the payment fails, the order will be converted to an offer.

Update Order

Updates a batch of existing orders. If you have sold a Draw Down bundle that now has events assigned to it, you must use this option to update the sold bundles.

Update Order ( Payment Fail OK )

Updates a batch of existing orders. If you have sold a Draw Down bundle that now has events assigned to it, you must use this option to update the sold bundles. If the selected 'Payment Method' and 'Payment Type' fail, the order will still be created.

Update Order with Renewal Payment Method

Updates a batch of existing orders based, using the saved customer payment method on the source order. If you are selling an Add-On bundle, you can use this method to charge customers using the previous payment method.

Update Order with Renewal Payment Method ( Payment Fail OK )

Updates a batch of existing orders based, using the saved customer payment method on the source order. If you are selling an Add-On bundle, you can use this method to charge customers using the previous payment method. If the payment fails, the order is still created.




If you want to allow Online customers to use the scheduled payment option, the 'Order/Offer Type' dropdown must be set to Renewal and the 'Balance Due Date' must be at least three months in the future.


The available fields vary depending on the selected 'Renewal Type'.


Select an option below to view an example of the Renewals|Details page and its properties when that 'Renewal Type' has selected: