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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides




Advanced Section




The AV Transaction report displays paid or sold count values for single admissions, bundle admissions, donations, miscellaneous items and gift certificates. It will also break out zero value tickets (comps) for both single admissions and bundle admissions.




Transaction Date Format

Specifies the date to use for the report:

Date Range

Previous 7 Days (excluding today)



Transaction From

Filters for those transactions that occur on or after the date entered.

Your entry will be ignored if you do not enter a value for 'Transactions To' date.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Transaction To

Filters for those transactions that occur on or before the date entered.

Your entry will be ignored if you do not enter a value for 'Transactions From' date.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Contract Start Date

Filters for those transactions that occur on or after the date entered. This is the date that the contract started.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Display Values

Filters the report by the values that you want to display:

Paid: Tickets that have been paid for.

Sold: Tickets that are on an order, but have not been paid for (the customer will pay for the ticket when he/she picks it up at will call).

Advanced Section

The following criteria is available in the advanced section:



Excluded Series

Filters the report by excluding the events with the 'Series Name' defined on the Event Configuration - Events|Basic page.

Excluded Price Type

Filters the report by excluding the selected price type(s).

Excluded User Roles

Filters the report by excluding the selected user role(s).

Excluded User Role Groups

Filters the report by excluding the selected user role group(s).




If you are using online exchanges, Exchanges To events are considered 'Sales' and Exchange From events are considered 'Returns', but the output is unaffected.

The report output contains the following information:




The items that have been sold (Single Admissions, Bundle Admission Comps, Miscellaneous Items).

Transaction Date Range

Displays a count and total for the units within the specified transaction date range.

Year to Date

Displays a count and total for units for the year-to-date.



If a ticket was purchased via the Internet 'User Role Group', but was then refunded by the Box Office 'User Role Group', and Box Office has been excluded from the report's output, the purchase will appear in the included section (in black) and the refund will appear in the excluded section (in red).