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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To change the saved report’s output:

1.Open Business Intelligence and Reports from the Desktop.

2.Select the Saved Reports tab.
The Saved Reports|Reports page appears.

3.Search for and select the saved report that you want to run.
The Saved Reports|Parameters page appears.

4.Enter the criteria with which you want to run the report.

5.Expand the Schedule Saved Report section.

6.Select an output type from the 'Target' dropdown:



7.Click 'Execute'.

Report Formats

While selecting a report’s output, you can also choose the report’s format:

AVDOC: Formats the report as a PDF (portable document format).

CSV: Formats the report as comma separated values (CSV). This allows you to view the report in programs like Microsoft Excel.

HTML: Formats the report as hypertext markup language (HTML), the standard markup language for creating website and applications.

application/JSON: Formats the report as JavaScript. This allows you to more easily consume report data for dashboards, data warehouses or other sites or system functions.