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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can send a test message to ensure that your mail service is sending the messages appropriately. You can also view the loaded message as it will be viewed by the recipient list from your BI query.

To use the Test Message functionality, you must have a message created and loaded into memory. Failure to have a message loaded will not allow you to send a test message. Failure to have a loaded and saved message in memory will result in validation errors on missing 'Subject', 'From' and 'Send To' values. Ensure that your message is not only saved but in memory to use this functionality.

To send a test message:

1.Open Correspondence from the Desktop.

2.Select the Messages tab.
The Messages|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the message that you want to work with.
The Messages|Basic page appears.

4.Select the Deliver tab.
The Messages|Deliver page appears.

5.Enter the email address(es) where you want the test message to be sent in the 'Test Email(s)' field(s).

6.Enter a test message in the Test Message field. This message will appear in the body of the email above the already designed email body.

7.Click 'Send Test'. Your message is sent to the email addresses entered into the 'Test Email(s)' field. The subject line of the message will be the subject line of your created message as entered in the 'Subject' field on the Messages|Basic page with "Test:" in front of the message.




If you do not receive the test message at the entered email addresses, contact your administrator to ensure that the system is configured properly.