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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



History - Search Correspondence Section

History - Correspondence Section



The Order|History|Correspondence page displays the date and time, along with the customer’s name and address for each print record associated with the order.

History - Search Correspondence Section

The following image illustrates the History - Search Correspondence section of the Order|History|Correspondence page:




You can filter searches by entering an entire word/number or you can use wildcard characters to perform a search using portions of the word/number.


The History - Search Correspondence section of the Order|History|Correspondence page contains the following properties:




Filters the search based on the code for the correspondence.

Correspondence Type

Filters the search based on the type of correspondence:

Ad Hoc: Correspondence that was created and sent to customers ad hoc via the Customer Services - Customer|History|Correspondence page.

Both: Tax receipt and thank you letter correspodence that was sent as two separate communications.

Business Intelligence: Correspondence that was created and sent to customers via Business Intelligence and Reports.

CancelTickets: Correspondence that was created and sent to customers via the Utilities - Print|Order Print page when a ticket has been cancelled.

Combined: Correspondence that was sent as a combined tax receipt and thank you letter.

Delivery: Correspondence (tickets) that was created and sent to customers who selected Download or Email as a delivery method for their orders.

Email: Correspondence that was created and sent to customers via the Correspondence - Messages pages.

Forwarding: Correspondence that was sent as a result of a ticket(s) being forwarded online.

Gift: Correspondence that was created and sent as a result of a donation ( thank you letter) via the Utilities - Pledges|Thank You Letters page.

Invoice: Correspondence that was created and sent to customers via the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page.

Message: Correspondence that was sent via Correspondence.

Offer: Correspondence that was created when customers renew orders/offers.

Referrer: Correspondence that was created and sent as a result of a donation (a thank you letter) that was made by someone who was referred by the addressed customer via the Utilities - Pledges|Thank You Letters page.

Tax Receipt (normal): Correspondence that was created and sent as a result of donation (a tax receipt) via the Utilities - Pledges|Tax Receipts page.

Tax Receipt (TaxRecipient): Correspondence that was created and sent as a result of donation (a tax receipt) via the Utilities - Pledges|Tax Receipts page.

Thank You Letter: Correspondence that was created and sent as a result of a donation via the Utilities - Pledges|Thank You Letters page.


Filters the search based on the reference code for the correspondence

Last Name

Filters the search based on the last name of the customer contact who received the correspondence


Filters the search based on the description for the correspondence


Filters the search based on the status of the correspondence, 'Success' or 'Failed'


Filters the search based on the amount of donation or item associated with the correspondence.

Solicitation Amount

Filters the search based on the amount solicited from the customer.

Additional Info

Filters the search based on any additional information for the correspondence

Correspondence Date

Filters the search based on the date range the correspondence was made to the customer.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Response Due Date

The date range by which the customer must reply to the correspondence.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Page Size

Enables you to specify the number of records to display per page returned in the results.


History - Correspondence Section

The following image illustrates the History - Correspondence section of the Order|History|Correspondence page:


The History - Correspondence section of the Order|History|Correspondence page contains the following properties:



Correspondence Date

The date the correspondence was sent to the customer.


The code associated to the correspondence record.

Correspondence Type

The type of Correspondence:

Ad Hoc: An ad hoc message to the customer

Business Intelligence: A message created via a Business Intelligence query

Delivery: An order item delivered to the customer

Email: An email message sent to the customer

Forwarding: Tickets have been forwarded to the customer from another customer

Gift: A gift was made and a thank you letter was generated for the customer

Invoice: An invoice was sent to the customer

Referrer: Another customer had referred the customer

Tax Receipt: A tax receipt was generated for a donation by the customer


A reference code for the correspondence.

Last Name

The last name of the customer contact to whom the correspondence was sent.


A description for the correspondence.


The amount of the order item associated with the correspondence.

Solicitation Amount

For donation solicitations, the amount of the donation ask of the customer.

Response Due Date

The date by which the customer must reply to the correspondence.


The user who sent the correspondence and hence owner of the correspondence record.


Whenever an invioce, receipt, ticket or thank you letter is sent to the customer on the order a notes-7.X appears.

If a note was added to the Correspondence - Correspondence|Details page, a link will appear next to notes-7.X. Clicking it appears below the 'Ad Hoc' button, displaying the note's information.