Offers are similar to orders and carry with them the majority of the same information; however, to reduce overhead no pricing information (except gifts) is included in the offer. All other information is available so the customer can view the contents of the offer.
You can use offers to identify customers matching the criteria of targeted sales or fundraising campaigns. You can also use offers to generate renewal sales or donations based on historical customer spending.
Once offers have been generated, you can view and manage these offers using Customer Services.
To generate a batch of offers:
1.Open Utilities from the Desktop.
The Customers|Query Select page appears
2.Select the Customer Offer Search query (or your customer query).
The Customers|Add Offers page appears.
3.Search for the customers that you want create the offer for.
You can generate an offers for all of the customers returned by the search, or select specific customers.
4.Complete the Create Offers With section of the Customers|Add Offers page:
▪Offer Name: Enter a unique name for the offer.
▪Description: Enter a description of the offer.
▪Start Date: Click to select the date or
to select the duration when the offer becomes available.
▪End Date: Click to select the date or
to select the duration when the offer will no longer be available (expires).
▪Promotion: Click to search for the promotion that will be used to unlock the offer.
5.If your offer contains admissions (bundles or single events), enter details in the Seat Parameters section:
▪Offer Option: Select the type of admissions you are adding to the offer:
oBundle: Allows you to select a bundle and events.
oEvent: Allows you to select an event.
▪Bundle: Click to search for the bundle that you want to include in the offer.
This option only appears if Bundle is selected from the 'Offer Option' dropdown.
▪Event: Click to search for the event that you want include in the offer.
▪Price Type: Click '+Add Price Type' and enter the number and type of admissions for the corresponding bundle or events.
▪Same Seat: Select this check box to specify that the same seat will be provided for every event included within the offer.
▪Price Zone: Select the price zone(s) to be included in the offer.
▪Hold Type: Select the hold type that will be included in the offer.
6.If your offer contains gifts, enter the details in the Gift Parameters section:
▪Gift: Click to search for the gift that you want to include in the offer.
▪Appeal: Enter the name of the appeal.
▪Fund: Select the fund that all of the money raised for this appeal will be put towards.
▪Amount: Enter a suggested donation amount.
7.If your offer contains miscellaneous items, enter the details in the Miscellaneous Items Parameters section:
▪Miscellaneous Item: Click to search for the miscellaneous item that you want to include in the offer.
▪Quantity: Enter the number of miscellaneous items included in the offer.
8.Select an option from the 'Process Range' dropdown:
▪All: Creates the offer for all of the customers returned by the search.
▪Selected: Creates the offer for the customers only. Ensure you select the appropriate customers from the Select Customers section.
9.Click 'Execute'.
The offer creation results appear in the Batch Results section.