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Updating a Batch of Customer Marketing Data Fields

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Before You Begin

Updating Customer Marketing Data in Batches



You can update customer marketing data fields for multiple customer accounts at once. Customer marketing data fields appear on the Customer Services - Customer|Basic page (if the marketing data field is readable).




For example, you could create a Business Intelligence extract to search for all customers that have spent over $1,000.00 in the past year and then use the batch update to flag the customers for special marketing campaigns.

Before You Begin

Before you begin updateing batches of customer marketing data, ensure that:

If you want to change the label for the marketing data fields, go to the Registry - Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TScustomerCO::Update.

If you want to be able to view the marketing fields on the Customer Services - Customer|Basic page, make the fields readable in the Registry.

Updating Customer Marketing Data in Batches

To update customer marketing data in a batch:

1.Open Utilities from the Desktop.

2.Select the Customers tab.
The Customers|Query Select page appears.

3.Select the General Customer Marketing query.
The Customers|Customer Marketing page appears.

4.Search for and select the customers that you want to update.
Your search results appear in the select customers section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<' and '>' buttons to open the additional pages.

5.To update marketing data for specific customers, select the check box next to each customer that you want to update.
Click 'Select All' to select all of the customers on the current page. This will not select customers on other pages. If you want to update all of the customers in the search results, you can choose to do so at the end of this procedure.

6.Select the check box next to each data field that you want to change.

7.Enter the appropriate values in the selected marketing data.

If a customer already has a value for this field it will be replaced ]with the new value.

If you want to clear a value, select the check box and leave the field blank.

If you enter a value for a field but do not select the check box, it will not be updated.

8.Select an option from the 'Process Range' dropdown:

All: The marketing data fields will be updated on all of the customers returned by the search.

Selected: The marketing data fields will be updated on the selected customers only.

9.Click 'Execute'.