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Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice Page

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Select Orders Section

Invoice Criteria Section

Suppress Warning Messages Section

Invoice Execution Section



The Orders|Order Invoice page allows you to search for orders and create batches of invoices for them.



Order ID is required as a result member in any BI that is used to invoice or update orders.

The following image illustrates the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page:

UTIL-Order-Order Invoice-7.28




You can filter searches by entering an entire word/number or you can use wildcard characters to perform a search using portions of the word/number.

Selecting the General Invoice query will enable the following properties on the Orders|Order Update page:



Order Type

Filters the search based on the selected order type(s):

Renewal: Initial state of order for renewing before customer has accepted being renewed.

Standard: Set the order(s) to a standard order type


These are set manually on the Order|Summary page or through the Renewal tool.

Appeal Name

Filters the search based on the appeal to which the donation is allocated.

Event Code

Filters the search based on the event code included in the order.

Order Number

Filters the search based on those orders with an order number within the specified range.

User Name

Filters the search based on the user name of the user who created the order.

Created on

Filters the search based on those orders created within the specified date range.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Amount Due

Filters the search based on those orders with an amount owing within the specified range.

Update User Name

Filters the search based on the user who last updated the order.

Balance Due Date

Filters the search based those orders with a balance due date within the specified date range.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date.

Bundle ID

Filters the search based on the selected bundle included in the order.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a bundle.


Select Orders Section

When you run a General Invoice query, the results of this query appear within the Select Orders section of the Orders|Query Invoice page.


The following image illustrates the Select Orders section of the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page:


UTIL-Order-Order Invoice_batch results-7.28

The Select Orders section of the Utilities - Orders|Order Invoice page contains the following properties:



Order Number

Displays the order number.

Created On

Displays the date the order was created on.

Contact First Name

Displays the contact's first name.

Contact Last Name

Displays the contact's last name.

First Event Start Date

Displays the date of the first event.

Amount Due

Displays the amount the customer still owes on the order.


Displays the role that was used to create the order.

Total Amount

Displays the total amount of the order.

Suppress Warning Messages

Clicking the check box next to "Invoice Already Invoiced Orders" allows you to invoice orders that have already been invoiced before.


Invoice Criteria Section

The following image illustrates the Invoice Criteria section of the Orders|Order Invoice page:


UTIL-Order-Order Invoice_criteria-7.28

The Invoice Criteria section of the Orders|Order Invoice page  includes the following properties:




The Confirmation Email / Invoice format the you want to use:

Confirmation Email / Invoice (text/avdocument): Creates a PDF version of the invoice.

Confirmation Email / Invoice (text/html): Creates an HTML version of the invoice.


How you want the invoices to be generated:




The printer that you want to use for the invoices.

This dropdown only become active when Print has been selected from the 'Target' dropdown.


Suppress Warning Messages Section


The following image illustrates the Suppress Warning Messages section of the Orders|Order Invoice page:

UTIL-Order-Order Invoice_suppress-7.28


Select the check box next to the warning message that you want to suppress from the Suppress Warning Messages section:

Invoice Already Invoices Orders: Creates invoices for already invoiced orders


Invoice Execution Section

Once all of the invoice parameters have been selected, you can create the invoices for all of the resulting orders or a smaller set of manually-selected orders from the result set.


The following image illustrates the Invoice Execution section of the Orders|Order Invoice page:


UTIL-Order-Order Invoice_execution-7.28

All: The invoices will be created for all of the orders returned by the search.

Selected: The invoices will be created for the selected orders only.