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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides




Advanced Section


How the Output is Sorted



The Event Order Allocations report displays the total value of admissions, charges and requests that have been allocated and an itemized list of allocated charges. Using the criteria by event or allocation date, the report can be subtotaled by allocation date or by event. The output can be detailed by event or summarized.



Payments are allocated to the order’s order items once the order has been paid in full. A payment is de-allocated when the order becomes under paid. For more information, refer to Payment Allocations.


The following table describes this report’s criteria:




Filters the report by the 'Series Name' defined on the Event Configuration - Events|Basic page.

Event Code

Filters the report by a specific event.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for an event.

Allocated Date Format

Specifies the date to use for the report:

Date Range

Previous 7 Days (excluding today)



Allocated From

If you are entering a date range, this is the date from which data will be included in the report. This date is inclusive where the starting time will be 0:00:00 on the selected date.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date

Allocated To

If you are entering a date range, this is the date to which data will be included in the report. This date is inclusive where the end time will be up to 23:59:59 on the selected date.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date

Report Output By

Enables you to subtotal payments by:

Sub-totalled by allocation date

Sub-totalled by event

Sub-totalled by series

Sub-totalled by series user name

Show Detail?

Enables you to view payment allocation information itemized by each order. The information displayed includes the order number and user.

Display Charge Types

Filters the report by specific charge type(s):


Service Charge


Include Charge Processing Types

Filters the report based on the charge processing type(s):




Advanced Section

The following criteria is available in the advanced section:



Events From

Filters for those events that occur on or after the date entered.

Your entry will be ignored if you do not enter a value for 'Events To' date.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Events To

Filters for those events that occur on or before the date entered.

Your entry will be ignored if you do not enter a value for 'Events From' date.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

User Name

Filters by the selected users.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a user.

User Role

Filters by the selected user role(s).

This is the user who created or updated the order to place it in an allocated or de-allocated state.

User Role Group

Filters by the selected user group(s).




A negative NET value indicates a de-allocated payment. De-allocation information is only displayed if you are viewing the detailed report.

The following table describes the report’s output:




Name of the series which the event belongs to.

Order Totals

These columns provide the following information for each individual order containing admissions to the selected series or event:

Admission NET Total admission amount allocated to or de-allocated from an order’s admission items, excluding any taxes or service charges.

Request NetTotal request amount allocated to or de-allocated from an order, excluding any taxes or service charges.

TaxesTotal tax amount allocated to or de-allocated from an order’s admission items.

TotalTotal amount allocated to or de-allocated from an order.

Allocation Totals

These columns provide the following information for every order containing admissions to the selected series or event:

Admission NET Total admission amount allocated to or de-allocated from the specified orders excluding any taxes or service charges.

Request NetTotal request amount allocated to or de-allocated from the specified orders, excluding any taxes or service charges.

TaxesTotal tax amount allocated to or de-allocated from the specified orders.

TotalTotal amount allocated to or de-allocated from all orders.


How the Output is Sorted

The following table outlines how the report output is sorted depending on the criteria you have selected:


'Show Detail?'

'Report Output By'


Line Detail

Charge Detail


Sub-totalled by allocation date

Sorted chronologically by allocation date, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted chronologically by allocation date, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted chronologically by allocation date, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted chronologically by allocation date, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sub-totalled by Event

Sorted chronologically by event start date and then alphabetically by event name

Sorted chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name, then ascending by order number

Sorted chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name, then ascending by order number

Sub-totalled by series

Sorted alphabetically by series name.

Sorted alphabetically by series name, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted alphabetically by series name

Sorted alphabetically by series name, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sub-totalled by user name

Sorted alphabetically by user name, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted alphabetically by user name, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted alphabetically by user name, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name

Sorted alphabetically by user name, then ascending by order number, then chronologically by event start date, then alphabetically by event name