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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can schedule the report to run at regular intervals. For example, it can run after business hours every day and be sent to you for the beginning of the next business day.



You can only schedule a report that you have saved that you have saved with an 'Access Mode' of Public or Readable.

To schedule saved reports run on a regular basis, perform the following:

1.Open Business Intelligence and Reports from the Desktop.

2.Select the Saved Reports tab.
The Saved Reports|Reports page appears.

3.Search for and select the saved report that you want to run.
The Saved Reports|Parameters page appears.

4.Enter the criteria with which you want to run the report.

5.Expand the Schedule Saved Report section.

6.Select an output type from the 'Target' dropdown:



7.Select when you want the report to be run:
hmtoggle_arrow0Execute Now

8.Click 'Update Changes'.
A window confirms that the report was updated.

9.Click 'OK'.


Report Formats

While selecting a report’s output, you can also choose the report’s format:

AVDOC: Formats the report as a PDF (portable document format).

CSV: Formats the report as comma separated values (CSV). This allows you to view the report in programs like Microsoft Excel.

HTML: Formats the report as hypertext markup language (HTML), the standard markup language for creating website and applications.

application/JSON: Formats the report as JavaScript. This allows you to more easily consume report data for dashboards, data warehouses or other sites or system functions.