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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Internal messages are displayed in customers' Message Centres within My Account. You can call attention to a particular message so that customers see it as soon as they log in. For example, if your organization's customer account requirements have changed, you can prompt customers to update their accounts with the new information.

To spotlight an internal message:

1.Open Correspondence from the Desktop.

2.To alter the basic details of the message:

a.Select the Messages tab.
The Messages|Search page appears.

b.Search for and select the message that you want to work with.
The Messages|Basic page appears.



Only tags that contain (Correspondence) in their names will be displayed in Internal messages.

3.Select Internal from the 'Type' dropdown.
The 'Spotlight Until' field appears.

4.Spotlight Until: Click calendarIcon-7-X to select the date when you no longer want to spotlight the message.
If you do not enter a date in this field, the message will not be spotlighted, but it will still appear in the Message Centre.

5.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the message was updated.

6.Click 'OK'.

The internal message will be highlighted at the top of the screen when customers log in. The message will only appear the first time. Once the 'Spotlight Until' date was passed the message will no longer be highlighted.




If you alter an Internal message that you have already posted to customers, the message that they see within the Message Centre will also change.

If the Internal message is deleted, it will be removed from the Message Centre.