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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

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Assigning a Bundle’s Admissions to a Pass

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A bundle’s events may be eligible to be assigned to a pass. A pass is used to hold a customer’s admissions and can be earned through a membership or given to a customer with the purchase of a bundle.

If the pass is not allowed to hold multiple admissions to the same event, you can assign a bundle’s individual admissions to the pass using the Order|Bundles|Bundles page. Otherwise, refer to Managing Customer Passes on an Order to assign all of the bundle’s admissions to the pass.

Depending on how the pass was configured, multiple admissions to the same event may not be enabled. If this is the case, and the pass was earned through the purchase of a bundle, the pass must be removed from the bundle’s admissions on the Order|Summary page, and single admissions added back onto the pass using the Order|Bundles|Bundles page.

If the customer earned the pass through the purchase of a bundle, the bundle’s admissions is automatically assigned to the pass.

Before you can assign an event to a customer’s pass, the following must be true:

The customer with the pass must be associated with the order or admission.

The pass that the customer holds must be eligible for use with the event or bundle.

To assign a bundle’s admissions to a pass:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.

If the customer with the pass is associated with the order or admission:
Select the pass from the 'Customer Pass' dropdown for each admission that you want to assign to the pass.
Depending on how the pass was configured, you may not be able to add multiple admissions to the same event on the pass.

If the customer with the pass is not associated with the order or admission:
Assign the customer with the pass to the order or admission.
Be sure to click 'Update Details' to load the customer’s pass information, then select the pass from the 'Customer Pass' dropdown.
Only passes that are eligible for the event are displayed in the dropdown.
If the dropdown is empty, the customer may not have a pass or the pass held by the customer may not be eligible for the event.

4.This can also be done from the Order|Bundles|Bundles page.

5.Click 'Create' or 'Apply'.
If you printed tickets before you assigned the admissions to the pass, you will have to print them again.