Before you can assign an event to a customer’s pass:
•The customer with the pass must be associated with the order or admission.
•The pass that the customer holds must be eligible for use on the event or bundle.

Depending on how the pass was configured, you may not be able to assign multiple admissions to the same event to the same pass. If this is the case, and the pass was earned through the purchase of a bundle, you must remove the bundle admissions from the pass and assign only single admissions.
To assign an admission to a pass:
1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.
2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.
3.Search for and select the order you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.
4.If you are working with a(n):
▪Bundle: Select the pass from the 'Customer Pass' dropdown in the Bundles section of the Order|Summary page.
Depending on how the pass was configured, you may not be able to assign multiple admissions to the same event to the pass. If this is the case or if you want to assign individual admissions to a pass, use the Order|Bundles|Seats page.
▪Admission: Select the pass from the 'Customer Pass' dropdown, in the Admissions section of the Order|Summary page. If the admissions are not displayed on the Order|Summary page, use the Order|Seats|Seats page to assign the admissions.
Only eligible passes are displayed in the 'Customer Pass' dropdown. If the dropdown is empty, the customer may not have a pass or the pass held by the customer may not be eligible for the event.
5.For each admission or bundle that you want to assign to the pass, repeat the process from Step 4.
6.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the order was updated.
7.Click 'OK'.

If you printed tickets before you assigned the admissions to the pass, you will have to reprint.