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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To create an order:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Click 'Create New'.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Add a customer or agent to the orders.



If there is no customer or agent on the order, the customer limits will not be validated. Your business practices may prevent such orders from being created.

5.Add the appropriate items to the order:

Events: Select the Events tab and search for the event(s)/admission(s) that you want to add to the order.

Bundles: Select the Bundles tab and search for the bundle(s) you want to add to the order.

Miscellaneous Items: Select the Miscellaneous Items tab and search for the miscellaneous item(s) you want to add to the order.

Offers: Select the Offers tab and search for the offer(s) you want to add to the order.

Gift Certificatess/Cards: Click 'Add Cert/Card' and select the gift certificates/cards that you want to add to the order.

Gifts: Select the Gifts tab and search for the gift that you want to add to the order.



At anytime, click 'Update Details' to view the updated Order|Summary without saving the order.

6.If any of the items on the order have optional charges configured against them, ask the customer whether he or she would like to accept or decline them and select the appropriate radio button.
If you create the order without making a selection, the optional charges will automatically be declined.

7.If any of the items on the order have questions associated with them, they will appear in the following places:

Events - Order Level: Questions will appear in the Marketing Data section of the Order|Summary page.

Events - Order Line Item Level: Questions will appear under each admission on the Order|Seats|Seats page.

Miscellaneous Item - Order Level: Questions will appear in the Marketing Data section of the Order|Summary page.

Miscellaneous Item - Order Line Item Level: Questions will appear under each item on the Order|Other|Items page.

8.Select the appropriate delivery method from the 'Selected Delivery Method' dropdown.
For more information on what is emailed to customers in various scenarios, refer to Billing Customer, Shipping Customer and Agent Email Delivery Combinations.

9.Enter any additional order details into the applicable fields of the Customer/Order Information and Additional Fields sections.

10.Add the payment information to the order.

11.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the order was created.

12.Click 'OK'.

13.If you need to print items on the order (tickets, gift certificates/cards), click 'Print'.

14.To create a new order, you can click:

New Order: This creates a new order without resetting any other pages. If you have unsaved changes to the current order, a window prompts you to confirm continuing to a new order. Your system administrator can configure this button so that the customer on the previous order would be assigned to the new order.

Next Customer: This closes the open order and/or customer and opens the Events|Search page with your last search results. If you have unsaved changes, a window prompts you to confirm continuing to a new customer. All customer, order, gift certificate and/or donation pages, including searches; however, event, bundle and map sales searches will remain.



To quickly sell tickets by completing a minimal amount of order details, refer to Quick Sales.