Sometimes customers forget their passwords, and instead of clicking Forgot your password? online (a new randomly generated password is emailed to the customer) they call the box office to have their passwords reset:
1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.
The Customer|Search page appears.
2.Search for and select the customer with the user requiring a password reset.
If you selected the default contact, the Customer|Basic page will appear, otherwise the Customer|Advanced page will appear.
3.Select the Users tab.
The Customer|Users page appears.
This page lists any existing online customer.
4.Select the user in the Users section.
The Edit User section appears.
If the number of 'Failed Login Attempts' exceeds the 'Number of Allowed Failed Login Attempts', the customer has been locked. The customer must be unlocked before the user can log in.
5.Enter a temporary password in the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields.
6.Ensure that Expire Now is selected from the 'Expiry Rule' dropdown.
This makes the password expire the first time it is used, causing the customer to create their own password.
7.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the customer was updated.
8.Click 'OK'.
9.Provide the customer with the temporary password.
When the customer logs in for the first time, they will be prompted to create their own password.