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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



History - Search Gifts Section

History - Select Gifts Section



The Customer|History|Gifts page allows you to search for and select orders that containing gifts that pertain to a specific customer. Click any gift record to go to the Order|Gifts page.

History - Search Gifts Section

The following image illustrates the History - Search Gifts section of the Customer|History|Gifts page:





You can filter searches by entering an entire word/number or you can use wildcard characters to perform a search using portions of the word/number.


The default History - Search Gifts section of the Customer|History|Gifts page contains the following properties:



Pledge Date

Filters the search based on those donations with a pledge date within the specified date range.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Gift Number

Filters the search based on specific gift numbers.

Fund Amount

Filters the search based on a range of amounts pledged to the fund.

Fund Split Funds IDs

Filters the search based on the fund(s) that gift has been assigned to or split across.


Filters the search based on the gift.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a gift.


Filters the search based on the appeal to which the gift is allocated.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for an appeal.

Page Size

Enables you to specify the number of records to display per page returned in the results.

Search Type

Enables you to choose the appropriate type of matches you are expecting:

Match Any: When you want to search for records containing one or more of the search terms you selected.

Match All: When you want to search for records that contain all the search terms you selected.


History - Select Gifts Section

The following image illustrates the History - Select Gifts section of the Customer|History|Gifts page:



The History - Select Gift section of the Customer|History|Gifts page contains the following properties:



Pledge Fiscal Year

The fiscal year in which the pledge was made.

Pledge Date

The date the donor intends to give your organization this gift.

Gift Number

A system-generated number used to identify the gift. All displayed gifts are sorted by this field.

Pledge Amount

The amount the donor intends to give your organization with this gift.

Fund Name

The name of the fund the gift will be allocated to.


The name of the gift.

Receipted Amount

The amount the donor has recieved tax receipts for.

Appeal Name

The name given for the appeal to which the gift applies.

Order Number

The order number associated with the gift.