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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides



History - Search Gifts Section

History - Gifts Section



The Order|History|Gifts page enables you to search for information that is specific to gifts (donations) made on an order.

History - Search Gifts Section

The following image illustrates the History - Search Gifts section of the Order|History|Gifts page:




You can filter searches by entering an entire word/number or you can use wildcard characters to perform a search using portions of the word/number.

The History - Search Gifts section of the Order|History|Gifts page contains the folloning properties:



Gift Number

Filters the search based on the gift number.

Appeal Name

Filters the search based on the name given for the appeal to which the gift applies.

Gift Name

Filters the search based on the name of the gift.

Fund Name

Filters the search based on name of the fund the gift is allocated to.


Filters the search based on the name of the person within your organization responsible for soliciting the gift.

Pledge Amount

Filters the search based on the amount of the pledge. You can enter a single amount or range.

Pledge Date

Filters the search based on the date the pledge was made for. You can enter a single date or date range.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

User Name

Filters the search based on the user associated with the iupdated the gift record in the order’s donation history.

User Role Name

Filters the search based on the role of the person who updated the gift.

Gift Record State

Filters the search based on the type of record:

Delete: A removed donation

Insert: An added donation

Update: An updated donation

Tax Receipt Number

Filters the search based on the tax receipt number.

Page Size

Enables you to specify the number of records to display per page returned in the results.


History - Gifts Section

The following image illustrates the History - Gifts section of the Order|History|Gifts page:



The History - Gifts section of the Order|History|Gifts page contains the following properties:



User Name

The user associated with the delete, insert or update record in the order’s donation history.


The user’s role associated with the delete, insert or update record in the order’s donation history.

Order Gift Audit Time

The date and time that the delete, insert or update record in the order’s donation history occurred.

Gift Record State

Indicates whether the action was:

Delete: A removed donation

Insert: An added donation

Update: An updated donation

Appeal Name

The name given for the appeal to which the gift applies.

Appeal Name (actually Campaign Name)

The campaign to which the appeal is associated.

Appeal Name (actually Program Name)

The program to which the appeal is associated.

Fund Name

The name of the fund the gift was allocated to.

Gift Name

The name of the gift.

Gift Number

A system-generated number used to identify the gift.

Pledge Date

The date the donor intends to give your organization this gift.

Pledge Amount

The amount the donor intends to give your organization with this gift.

Receiptable Amount

The amount that can be included in a tax receipt.

Receipted Amount

The amount that has been included in a tax receipt.

Tax Receipt Number

The tax receipt number, if any.


The name of the person within your organization responsible for soliciting the gift.

Referrer Contact Last Name

The name of the person responsible for referring the donor to the campaign.

Gift Points

The number of points accrued by the customer for the gift.