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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can apply multiple payments to a single order.


If there is more than one payment method that uses an external payment gateway, only one of these payments can be processed at a time. For example, if you want to add a debit card and a credit card payment to an order, you must add the first payment, save your changes and then add the second payment.  

Payments can also be scheduled.

To apply multiple payments:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order that you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Click 'Add' next to Payments in the Customer/Order Information section or click 'Add Payment' at the bottom of the page.
The Payments dialog box appears.

5.Select the payment method from the 'Payment Method' dropdown.
The Payments dialog box refreshes to display applicable information.
If the customer has a saved payment method (Payment Information section on the Customer|Basic page), the payment method's information will be populated automatically when it is selected.

6.Enter the 'Payment Amount'.
The default 'Payment Amount' is the amount owing on the order.

7.Complete the payment details or swipe the card if applicable.
For more information on specific payment methods, refer to:

Using Credit and Debit Cards

Using Gift Certificates and Gift Cards

Using a Customer's Account Balance

8.Add additional notes about the payment using the 'Memo' field.

9.Click 'Add Payment'.
The Payments dialog box closes and the Order|Summary page becomes active. The unprocessed payment is added to the order.

10.If the first payment was:

A local payment (cash, cheque, account or gift certificate/card): Repeat the process from Step 4 to add additional payments.

An external gateway payment (credit/debit cards): Click 'Create' or 'Apply' to save the order/process the payment. Enter a reason why the order is underpaid, then repeat the process from Step 4.

11.Click 'Apply' or 'Create'.
If the payments do not cover the entire balance due, you will be warned that there is still a balance due on the order.

12.Click 'OK'.
A window confirms that the order was updated.


If the remaining balance is to be paid at a later date, you can select the date that the balance is due from the 'Balance Due Date' field.