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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

Customers are added to orders according to their 'Account Types' and the method used to add them the order.


You can completely change all of the customers associated to an order by loading the order and then adding the new customers to the order, or you can change the way that the current customers are associated with the order.



None of the address, contact or account type changes are saved to any of the customers nor are new customers created.

If you add a new customer to an order using the Order|Customer page, you will not be able to find that customer using the Customer|Search page; however, you will be able to find the customer using the Order|Search page.

To change/update the customers on an order:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Orders tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order you want to modify.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Select the Customer tab.
The Order|Customer page appears.

5.Select the customer that you want to reassign from the 'Customer Number' dropdown.
All of the customers currently on the order are listed.

Mailing Information - Customer: Determines the order or billing customer on the order.
If you wanted to set an Agent as the billing customer you can select the customer here and deselect it from the Mailing Information - Agent section.

Mailing Information - Agent: Determines the agent on the order.
You can select any of the customers on the order. The 'Account Types' will not change.

Mailing Information - Ship-To Customer: Determines the shipping customer on the order.
If there is a shipping customer, there must be a billing customer or agent.

6.Optionally, you can update a contact or address for a customer on an order without saving those changes to the customer:

To update a customer's contact information:

a.Click 'Add Contact'.
All of the available contact field appear.

b.You can select an existing contact's information from the 'Select Contact' dropdown, or enter the applicable information.

To update a customer's address information:

a.Click 'Add Address'.
All of the available address field appear.

b.You can select an existing address's information from the 'Select Address' dropdown, or enter the applicable information.

7.Click 'Apply'.

A window confirms that the order was updated.

8.Click 'OK'.