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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

When creating a bundle request, you can specify whether the customer will be paying now or when the request is filled. If the customer pays for the request before it is filled, the funds are allocated to requests not to the event(s).



Only the admission portion of the bundle will be added to the request. If miscellaneous items or gifts are part of the bundle, they should be added to the order individually.

You can use the End of Day Summary report to view the funds received through requests. In addition, you can use the Bundle Event Requests report to view request information over a range of request dates, events, price zones and request states for a range of users.

To create a bundle request:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Bundles tab.
The Bundles|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the bundle that you want to work with.
The Bundles|Details page appears.

4.Select the applicable events from the Bundle Events section.

5.Once you have selected events, complete the best available/requests section:

a.Price Zone: Select the price zone(s) that you want the seats to be selected from.

b.Hold Types: Select the hold type(s) that you want the seats to be selected from.
This list is not restricted to the holds to which you have access. If you select a hold type that you cannot access, you will be prevented from adding the held seats to the order. If you can access the hold through a promotion, add the 'Promotion Access Code' to the order before using the best available search.

c.Aisle Seats?: Select this check box if you want one of the bundle seats to be on an aisle.

d.Unobstructed Seats?: Select this check box if you want the best available search to omit any seats that have been identified as Obstructed on the Venue|Seats page.

e.Same Seats?: Select this check box to keep the same seats for all events.
This check box is selected by default.

f.Price Type Per Bundle / Amount of Seats: Enter the number of admissions required per price type (Adult, Junior, Senior).
The minimum and/or maximum admissions required per bundle per price type displays to the left of each field in brackets.

6.Click 'Request Bundle'.
The Order|Bundles|Requests page appears.



Only the admission portion of the bundle will be added to the request. If miscellaneous items or gifts are part of the bundle, they should be added to the order individually.

7.Update the request, if required.

8.Click 'Update Details'.

9.Select the Summary tab.
The Order|Summary page appears. The request details display in red in the Bundles section.



If the 'Status' of the request is Chargeable pending fulfillment, the amount due reflects the cost of the request. If status of the request is Not chargeable pending fulfillment, there is no amount due for the request.

10.Complete the order.