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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

The calendar determines the roles that have access to the event, when the event appears on the sales calendar and/or goes on/off sale, the on offer time out and promotions to grant access to the event.

Calendar and sale dates are used to determine when ticket sellers can view and access particular events or bundles. These dates can be absolute dates or they can be relative to the event date.


Before event 'On Calendar' date or time:

No event data available to users.

Between the 'On Calendar' and On 'Sale' dates:

Users can search for and view event information. Users cannot access seat maps or add admissions to orders.

After the 'On Sale' date:

Users can search for and view event information. Users can access seat maps and add admissions to orders.

Between the 'Off Sale' and 'Off Calendar' dates:

Users can once again search for and view information about the event, but cannot access seat maps or add admissions to orders.

The 'On Calendar' and 'On Sale' fields (and some 'Off Calendar' and 'Off Sale' fields) are date/time fields, so references to dates in this section refer to both dates and times.

The 'On Calendar' and 'On Sale' dates can be the same, if there is not any lag between when the users can view an event and when they can sell admissions for it. Likewise, the 'Off Sale' and 'Off Calendar' dates may be the same.

If you enter an 'On Sale' date for a role, you must also enter an 'On Calendar' date that is less than or equal to the 'On Sale' date.

The 'Off Sale' and 'Off Calendar' dates may be relative to the event date. For example, an 'Off Sale' date of -1h means that the event goes off sale 1 hour before its 'Start Date/Time'.

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