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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides




Advanced Section




The Allocated Admission Detail report displays the payment allocation of allocated and de-allocated orders for a given allocation date range by admission. The report displays details about the order, the admission and the payment allocations. Because of the level of detail provided in this report, you could use this report as something similar to a transaction report.

Payment are allocated to the order’s order items once the order has been paid in full. A payment is de-allocated when the order becomes under paid. Only those event service charges charged against the price chart’s model are included in this report.


The following table describes this report’s criteria:




Filters the report by the 'Series Name' defined on the Event Configuration - Events|Basic page.

Event Code

Filters the report by a specific event.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for an event.

Display Charge Type

Filters the report by specific charge type(s):


Service Charge



If you select only one charge type, only that charge type will appear on the report.



Two other options, User Tax1 and User Tax2, are available. By default they are disabled in the General Configuration - List|Entries page for the Service Charge Types list. To configure these options, they must first be enabled. For information on configuring taxes and charges, refer to Product Configuration - Charges.

Allocated Date Format

Specifies the date to use for the report:

Date Range

Previous 7 Days (excluding today)



Allocated From

If you are entering a date range, this is the date from which data will be included in the report. This date is inclusive where the starting time will be 0:00:00 on the selected date.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Allocated To

If you are entering a date range, this is the date to which data will be included in the report. This date is inclusive where the end time will be up to 23:59:59 on the selected date.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Report Output By

Enables you specify how to subtotal the allocations:

Sub-totalled by allocation date

Sub-totalled by event

Sub-totalled by series

Sub-totalled by user name

Advanced Section

The following criteria is available in the advanced section:



Event Date Format

Filters the report by:

Advanced Sales: Filters for allocated tickets for events that occur after today’s date.

Past Sales: Filters for allocated tickets for events that have occurred on or before today’s date.

Event Range: Filters for events occurring between the date range entered in the 'From Event' and 'To Event' fields.

Events From

If you are entering a date range, this is the event date from which data will be included in the report. Only data relating to events on or after this date will be included in the report. This date is inclusive.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if the Event Range date format is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

Events To

If you are entering a date range, this is the event date to which data will be included in the report. Only data relating to events on or before this date will be included in the report. This date is inclusive.

Any value entered into this field will only apply if Event Range date format is used.

Click calendarIcon-7.X to select a date or durationIcon-7.X to select a duration.

User Name

Filters the report by the selected users.

Click magnifyingGlass-7.X to search for a user.

This is the user who last updated the order.

User Role

Filters the report by the selected user role(s).

This is the user who last updated the order.

User Role Group

Filters the report by the selected user role group(s).

This is the user who last updated the order.

Allocation Detail

Filters the report by:

Allocated: Returns admission results that have been allocated

Deallocated: Returns admission results that have not been allocated

Both: Returns both allocated and deallocated admission results



The following table describes the report output:



Order Number

Unique identifier for an order containing admission items for the selected series or event.

To view details pertaining to a particular order, click the corresponding Order Number.

These links do not function in HTML or email versions of this report.

Allocation Date

Date and time the payment

User Name

User or customer that allocated or de-allocated the payment for the corresponding admission.


Name of the series the event is a member of.

Event Code

Unique identifier for the event the admission is for.

Event date

Date and time of the corresponding event.

Price Type

Price category the admission price falls within.


The section in which the admission seat falls.


The row in which the admission seat falls.


The seat within the corresponding section and row the admission is applicable.

Order Item Totals

These columns provide the following information for each individual admission to the selected series or event:

Net Value: The allocated or de-allocated amount of an admission item excluding any taxes and service charges.

Taxes: The tax amount allocated to or de-allocated from an admission item.

Charges: The service charge amount allocated to or de-allocated from an admission item.

Allocated Amount: The amount allocated to or de-allocated from an admission item.

Order Totals

These columns provide the following information for each individual order containing admissions to the selected series or event:

Net Value: The total amount allocated or de-allocated from an order’s admission items, excluding any taxes or service charges.

Taxes: The total tax amount allocated to or de-allocated from an order’s admission items.

Charges: The total service charge amount allocated to or de-allocated from, an order’s admission items.

Allocated Amount: The total amount allocated to or de-allocated from, an order.

Allocation Totals

These columns provide the following information for every order containing admissions to the selected series or event:

Net Value: The total price of all order admission items, excluding any taxes and service charges.

Taxes: The total tax amount allocated to or de-allocated from all orders.

Charges: The total service charge amount allocated to or de-allocated from all orders.