•Admission Release Summary Report
The Admission Release Summary report displays orders, number of seats, and value of the seats released by role and user for a range of events, roles, users and release dates.
•Admissions by Delivery Method Report
The Admissions by Delivery Method report provides the total the number of tickets per delivery method, for the selected series or event over a particular sales date range. You can use this report to assess ticket mailings or estimate printing.
•Agent Event Sales Report
The Agent Event Sales report displays the ticket sales and charges by agent, based on the orders to which the selected agents are attached.
•Allocated Admission Detail Report
The Allocated Admission Detail report displays the payment allocation of allocated and de-allocated orders for a given allocation date range by admission. The report displays details about the order, the admission and the payment allocations
•Bundle Event Requests Report
The Bundle Event Requests report displays information about bundle and event requests over a range of request dates, events, price zones, and request states for a range of users.
•Bundle Sales Report
The Bundle Sales report displays the number of bundles, gross totals, total bundle charges and taxes, amount paid and amount due on owing orders by bundle name, group, or description.
•Comp Admission Details Report
The Comp Admission Details report displays all orders that contain complimentary admissions (comps). A complimentary admission is any admission sold with a zero total value. This report displays the order number, contact, number of complimentary admission and non-complimentary admissions on the order and the order value, over a range of series, events, roles and dates.
•Event Against Budget Report
The Event Against Budget report displays sold, paid and comp tickets as well as the budgeted amounts and counts. The report can be run for a specific date range to compare to the budgeted amount.
•Event Audit Report
The Event Audit report displays the ticket and bundle sales for today and total sales to date for a single event or range of events. This report also provides a summary of unsold tickets and the seating capacity.
•Event Availability by Price Zone and Hold Report
The Event Availability by Price Zone and Hold report is used for general admission festivals. It details the state of all of the events at the festival across all venues and series at any given time by event, paid, comp, available and held tickets by hold type and monetary value.
•Event Availability Report
The Event Availability report displays counts and values for open, held, sold, unpaid and complimentary seats by price zone for selected events within a given series.
•Event Host Attendance Report
The Event Host Attendance report provides details about customers attending an event.
The Event Pacing Report displays projection, budget, actuals, paid, unpaid, comps, holds and opens for events. It can be run for a specific date range, as well as including sales counts and amounts for two additional date ranges.
The Event Popularity report displays the admissions sold (allocated and unallocated), the net value of sold admissions (excluding taxes and service charges), and the percentage of the total capacity sold for a selected series.
The Event Price Analysis report displays ticket sales by price zone, price type and promotion, including the actual selling price and the model price. It allows you to compare the effectiveness of various pricing strategies and promotional pricing, compared to model pricing.
The Event Sales by Price report displays the net value of sold or paid admission and optionally charges, as well as total amount by price zone and price type.
•Gift Certificate and Gift Card Transactions Report
The Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report displays gift certificate and gift card transactions performed within a particular date range.
•Gift Certificates and Gift Cards by Role Report
The Gift Certificates and Gift Cards by Role report displays gift certificate/card values and expiry dates for a range of sales dates and user roles.
•Held Tickets by Hold Type Report
The Held Tickets by Hold Type report displays the number and value of seats assigned to a hold type by price zone for a range of events.
•Hold Allocations Report
The Hold Type Range Report displays the seats allocated to specific hold types, grouped by 'Hold Type', 'Venue', 'Series Name' and 'Event'.
•Holds for Event Report
The new Holds per Event report outputs the number of holds by type, the number of holds sold and the number of holds available for a specific event.
•Hold Type Range Report
The Hold Type Range Report lists seats on a particular hold or holds in a range format, breaking them out by seat section. Users are able to request that the report contain either sold, unsold or sold and unsold held seats.
•Hourly Ticket Sales Report
The Hourly Ticket Sales report displays the number of tickets sold by the hour by price type. You can filter the report by the venue, series, event, and/or sales information (user, role and date of sale).
•Movement Report
The Movement report provides information pertaining to paid and unpaid admissions within a particular time-frame.
•Offer Status Report
The Offer Status report provides a snapshot of the total offers and metrics relating to the success of these offers.
•Order Detail by User Role Report
The Order Detail by User Role report displays all of the orders and payments for a range of events, roles and users for a range of order creation dates. Order Detail by User Role reports on orders with under/over payments as well as selected order marketing data.
•Orders Paid by Date Report
The Orders Paid by Date report displays information on fully allocated orders as of a specified date including information from three selected order marketing data fields.
•Sales Staff Analysis Report
The Sales Staff Analysis report details the number and value of orders sold for a range of events, roles, users and sales dates.
•Ticket Sales Report
The Ticket Sales by Event report displays sales, returns, and price changes for a range of events, roles and sales dates. You can choose whether to display net values (excluding taxes and charges) and/or total values (including taxes and charges).
•Ticket Sales by Event Report
The Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report displays the number and net value (excluding taxes and charges) of seats sold over a selected series and event date range by price type and price zone. If you do not filter by an event date range, the report provides a summary of the sales across all events in the series and then breaks down the sales by event.
•Ticket Sales by Price Type and Payment Method Report
The Ticket Sales by Price Type and Payment Method report displays sales by price type and payment type. Includes options to group by payment method, by role or role group, and by price type group.
•Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Report
The Ticket Sales report displays the number and value of seats sold, returned, and changed by role for a range of events, roles and sales dates. You can choose whether to display net values (excluding taxes and service charges) or total values (including taxes and service charges).
•Wrap Report
The Wrap Report provides information pertaining to event sales within a particular time-frame.