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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can create a payment plan that uses the same payment method for each payment.

To create a payment plan:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order that you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Click 'Add' next to Schedule Payments in the Customer/Order Information section or click 'Schedule Payments' at the bottom of the page.
The Schedule Payments dialog box appears.

5.Select the payment method from the 'Payment Method' dropdown.
The Schedule Payments dialog box refreshes to display applicable information.
If the customer has a saved payment method (Payment Information section on the Customer|Basic page), the payment method's information will be populated automatically  when it is selected.

6.Complete the payment details. (EMV card swiping is not supported when scheduling payments.)

7.If the 'Ignore AVS' check box has been enabled and it is selected, the address verification will be ignored for all of the scheduled payments.

8.Complete the schedule information:

Verify the 'Total of all Payments' (Payment Plans) or 'Each Payment Amount' (Recurring Payment) value and make any necessary modifications.
The default 'Total of all Payments' and 'Each Payment Amount' is the amount owing on the order.

Schedule Type: Select the type of payment plan you are creating:

oPayment Plan: The payments will be made until the 'Total of all Payments' amount has been reached.

oRecurring Payment: The payments equal to the 'Each Payment Amount' field will be made until the 'Frequency' has been met.

Scheduled Start Date: Clickinfo_outline to select the date when the payments will start being made.

Frequency: Select the frequency in which the payments will be made:



Bi-Weekly (every two weeks)

Bi-Monthly (every two months)


Semi-Annually (twice a year)



and select one of the following:

Until: Until: Click info_outline to select the date when last payment will be scheduled.

Number of Times: Enter the number of payments that will be scheduled.

9.Click 'Generate Payments'.
The unprocessed payment is added to the order.

10.Click 'Create' or 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the order was created or updated.

11.Click 'OK'.


The 'Amount Due' on the order reflects the value of the scheduled payments.




If a validation error occurs or the payment fails, it is recommended that you delete the payment plan and recreate it rather than updating the individual payments.


Scheduled Payment Combinations

The following table illustrates how ad hoc scheduled payments are calculated based on the selected schedule type and frequency.

Schedule Type



Start Date

Until/# of Times

Payment Schedule

Payment Plan




Number of times: 6

Six payments of $98.77, on the first of each month from September through February.

Payment Plan




Until: 2024-10-31

Five payments of $118.52, on Sept. 1,15, 29, Oct. 13 and 26.





Number of times: 4

Four payments of $25.00 on the first each month, September through December. Total paid = $100.00.





Until: 2024-11-30

Fourteen payments of $25.00, every week from Sept. 1 to Nov. 30. Total paid = $350.00.