•Planning Your Gate Configuration
Gates are physically controlled access points used to control movement between a gate’s from zone and to zone. Zones represent an area on either side of the gate. Movement between a gate’s zones is determined by scanning tickets using Access Control. When configuring a venue, you do not need to configure any gates. If no gates are configured, ticket holders are granted access based on the ticket number and the event.
You can create event-specific gates and rules that will override the venue's settings.
When planning out your venue’s gates, here are some planning suggestions:
•Have a diagram of your venue on which the gates are marked.
•Determine which sections are accessed from each gate, and whether traffic can flow in, out or in both directions.
•Determine which, if any, specific seat, row and section rules should be applied to a gate to allow certain ticket holders access.
•If you will be using zones, mark on the diagram the zones in your venue and what sections they contain.
•Identify how traffic will flow in and out of the venue/each zone.
•Identify whether you will be using hard or soft exits from each gate. This will help determine which zones are allowed in and out.
Before creating gates, ensure you have:
•Created the venue's sections, if applicable.
•Created the venue's zones, if applicable.
Once the venue has been created, you can create gates if you have the permission to do so. Gates are physically controlled access points used to control movement between a gate’s from zone and to zone. Zones represent an area on either side of the gate. Movement between a gate’s zones is determined by scanning tickets using Access Control. For more information, refer to Venue Gates.
To create a gate:
1.Open Event Configuration from the Desktop.
The Venue|Search page appears.
2.Search for and select the venue that you want to work with.
The Venue|Basic page appears.
3.Select the Gates tab.
The Venue|Gates page appears.
4.Click 'Add Gate'.
A new gate row appears in grey and editing appears in the 'del?' column.
a.Name: Enter a unique name for the gate.
b.Enter Into Zone: Optionally, select the zone that the scanned ticket will allow access to, whether it is being scanned in or out. If you do not select a zone, tickets can be scanned into any zone. Customers cannot be scanned into the same zone twice unless they are scanned out of it first.
c.Allows Scan In Select this check box if you want to allow tickets to be scanned into the gate.
d.Allows Scan Out Select this check box if you want to allow tickets to be scanned out of the gate.
e.Allows Re-Entry Select this check box if you want to allow tickets to be scanned in or out of the gate multiple times.
f.Do not print/assign this gate: Select this check box if you do not want to allow the gate to be printed on the physical ticket.
5.Optionally, you can specify which rows, seats and even price types within a section can use a particular gate.
Gates without rules and restrictions can be accessed by all ticket holders.
1.Click 'Add Rule'.
A new rule row appears in the access rules section.
2.Define the access rule that you want to apply to the gate:
a.Start Time Offset: Defines the time frame before the 'Start Date/Time' (on the Events|Basic page) that the gate can be accessed.
Click to select a date or
to select a duration.
b.End Time Offset: Defines the time frame after the 'End Date/Time' (on the Events|Basic page) that the gate can be accessed.
Click to select a date or
to select a duration.
c.Price Type: Defines the price types(s) that will be able to scan through the gate.
d.Sections: Defines the section(s) that will be able to scan through the gate.
e.Row Start: Defines the first row of seats within the section that will be able to scan through the gate.
f.Row End: Defines the last row of seats within the section that will be able to scan through the gate.
The rows between (and including) the 'Row Start' and 'Row End' values will be able to access the gate.
g.Seat Start: Defines the first seat within a row that will be able to scan through the gate.
h.Seat End: Defines the last seat within a row that will be able to scan through the gate.
The seats between (and including) the 'Seat Start' and 'Seat End' values will be able to access the gate.
3.For every access rule that you want to add to the gate, repeat the process from Step 5a.
6.For each gate that you want to add, repeat the process from Step 4.
7.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the venue was updated.
8.Click 'OK'.