Before creating a delivery method, ensure you have:
•Created roles to have access to the delivery method. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time.
•Created a delivery method template, if applicable. If this has not been created, you can assign it at any time.
•Created charges for the delivery method, if applicable. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time.
To create a new delivery method:
1.Open General Configuration from the Desktop.
2.Select the Delivery Methods tab.
The Delivery Methods|Search page appears.
3.Click 'Create New'.
The Delivery Methods|Basic page appears.
4.Complete the following fields:
a.Name: Enter a name for the delivery method.
b.Description: Enter a short description of the delivery method.
c.Type: Select the type of delivery method:
•Delivered: The order is physically delivered to the customer by some means (mail, courier). Orders that use a delivery method of this type must have an address attached before they can be saved. Printing is manual.
•Digital: The customer accesses the ticket through their online account or Apple Wallet.
•Download: The order is to be downloaded. To use this type of method, the ticket template must have a PDF device.
•Email: The order is delivered to the customer by email. Orders using this delivery method must have an email address attached before they can be saved. Printing (by PDF) is automatic at time of order creation.
•Pick Up Later: The customer picks the order up in person, at a later time (will-call). Printing is manual.
•Pick Up Now: The customer picks the order up in person, at the same time the order is created (walk-up sales). Printing is automatic at time of order creation.
d.Gateway: If using a third-party access control gateway, select it from dropdown.
e.Options: Select the items that you want to print, if configured, when this delivery method is used.
f.Roles: Select the roles that are allowed to use this delivery method.
g.Ticket Template: Select the ticket template, if any, used for this delivery method (address header card).
This template is used strictly for the delivery method and does not include templates used for printing admissions or gift certificates.
h.Activation Date: Determines when the delivery method becomes available for use relative to the start date of the earliest event on the order.
Click to select a duration or
to select a date.
i.Cut-Off Date: Determines when the delivery method will no longer be available relative to the start date of the earliest event on the order. This is useful for physically delivered types of delivery methods.
Click to select a duration or
to select a date.
Information When an 'Activation Date' or a 'Cut-off Date' the duration must be a positive number. For example, +5D (five days) indicates that the earliest event in the order must be more than five days away for this delivery method to be available. |
j.Charges: Select the charge(s), if any, that you want to apply to the delivery method. Whenever a customer chooses this delivery method, the associated charge(s) are charged.
k.Minimum Order Value: Enter a monetary value that an order's grand total must reach to expose the delivery method and force customers to use it.
l.Maximum Order Value: Enter a monetary value that an order's grand total must not exceed to expose the delivery method and force customers to use it.
The following rules apply to both the 'Minimum Order Value' and 'Maximum Order Value' fields:
i.If none of the delivery methods assigned to an event have been given a 'Minimum Order Value' or a 'Maximum Order Value' or if the order's grand total does not meet the set requirements, all of the assigned delivery methods appear.
ii.If more than one delivery method has been assigned a 'Minimum Order Value', the delivery method with the highest 'Minimum Order Value' will be used.
iii.If the delivery methods share the same highest 'Minimum Order Value' then the customer will be given the option to a select a delivery methods.
iv.If none of the delivery methods have been assigned a 'Minimum Order Value', then the delivery method with the lowest 'Maximum Order Value' will be selected.
v.If the delivery methods share the same lowest 'Maximum Order Value' then the customer will be given the option to a select a delivery methods.
If a delivery method is forced due to the above, a message will inform the user.
5.Optionally, you can add a location to the delivery method so that the delivery methods available to customers depends on the shipping address on the order, by selecting the Location tab.
The Delivery Methods|Location page appears.
6.Click 'Add Entry'.
A new location row appears.
7.Complete the following fields:
•Include: Includes the delivery method for the location.
•Exclude: Excludes the delivery method for the location.
b.Address Field: Allows you to select which address field that the delivery method will be looking for to determine the location (city, country, county, state, street, zip).
c.Address Values: Set the value that the delivery method location will look for (if country was set in the 'Address Field', you would enter the name of the country, so Canada or USA.
This will allow you to apply the delivery method to multiple locations or allow you to included varied spellings (USA, U.S.A., US, United States of America).
Hint Do not create separate rows using the same Include 'Condition' and 'Address Field' option. Each row acts like its own rule. For example, if one row has: a.Condition: Include b.Address Field: Country c.Address Value: Canada and another row has: d.Condition: Include e.Address Field: Country f.Address Value: USA the system will try to match addresses containing both countries and will find none. Instead, create a single row with all of the applicable 'Address Values'. |
1.For every location line that you would like to add, repeat the process from Step 6.
2.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the delivery method was created.
3.Click 'OK'.