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AudienceView Unlimited 7  Product Guides

There are a number of ways that you can search for events and select seats:

Events|Search: Search for events based on specified search criteria.

Events|Seat Map: Once you have selected an event, you can select seats using the venue’s seat map (unless it is GA).

Events|Availability: Displays a summary of the available seats.

Events|Best Available: Once you have selected an event, you can select seats based on the some criteria.

Events|Quick Sale: Once you have selected an event, you to sell a large number of tickets in a small amount of time while collecting minimal customer information.

Events|Calendar: Enables you to select events using a calendar. The calendar displays events that are on-sale and those that are not yet available for sale.

You can use more than one method or use each method more than once to add seats to an order.

The following sections describe the ways in which you can make an event selection:

On Offer Timeouts

Selecting Seats

Best Available

Quick Sales

Event Calendar