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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can refund a payment using a different payment method than that of the original payment.


For example, you can credit a customer's account instead of refunding to a credit card.

To refund a payment using a different payment method:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order that you want to work with.
The Order|Summary page appears.

4.Click 'Add Payment'.
The Payments dialog box appears.

a.Payment Method: Select the payment method that you want to refund the payment to (account)
The Payments dialog box refreshes to display applicable information.
The default 'Payment Amount' is the amount overpaid on the order.

b.Payment Amount: Enter the amount you will be refunding.
Do not include a negative sign (-) with the amount.

c.Payment Transaction Type: Select Refund.

d.Complete the payment details or swipe the card, if applicable.
For more information on using specific payment methods, refer to:

oUsing Credit and Debit Cards

oUsing Gift Certificates and Gift Cards

oUsing a Customer's Account Balance

e.Click 'Add Payment'.
An Unprocessed Refund is added to the order.

5.Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the order was updated.

6.Click 'OK'.


The payment changes from Unprocessed Refund to Refund. The original payment remains on the order.


If necessary, you can cancel or void a refund.




If you are refunding a customer for the cost of a ticket that was purchased, you will still need to delete the admission from the order so that the seat will be available for sale.