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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

You can create add-on articles that will only be displayed to customers who have the appropriate promotion code active in their sessions via a membership or benefit so that those customers can receive


Before You Begin

Create benefits that contains a single promotion code.

Write down the GUID of the promotion code associated to the benefit, using your browser to inspect the elements of the promotion code.

Optionally, add the benefit to a membership.


To create a membership/benefit-specific add-on article:

1.Open Product Configuration from the Desktop.

2.Select the Miscellaneous Items tab.
The Miscellaneous Items|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the miscellaneous item that you want to make a offer in the add-on article.
The Miscellaneous Items|Details page appears.

4.Ensure that Add-On is selected from the 'Sales Type' field.

5.Enter the GUID for the promotion code in the 'Data 8' field.

6.Click 'Apply'.
If you did not specify an 'Effective Date', the current date and time will be used. Click 'OK'.
A window confirms that the miscellaneous item was updated.

7.Click 'OK'.

8.Open Content Management from the Desktop.

9.Select the Articles tab.
The Articles|Search page appears.

10.Click 'Create New'.
The Articles|Basic page appears.

11.Enter a 'Name' for the article.

12.Select Body with Search from the 'Article Type' dropdown.

13.Select the Calendar tab.
The Articles|Calendar page appears.

14.Click 'Add Entry'.
A new calendar row appears in the article calendar group box.

15.Complete the following article calendar fields:

a.User Role: Select the role(s) that will be able to view the article.

b.On Calendar: Click calendarIcon-7.X to select the date when you want the article to begin appearing online.

c.Off Calendar: Click calendarIcon-7.X to select the date when you no longer want the article to appear online.

16.Select the Text tab.
The Articles|Text page appears.

17.Click 'Insert Widget' and select Search Results - Detailed.
The Search Results Widget dialog box appears:

18.Click 'Insert Widget'.

19.Select the Criteria tab.
The Articles|Criteria page appears.

20.Click 'Add Criteria'.

21.Select/enter the following:

a.Field: Sales Type

b.Type: Match Condition

c.Operator: Equals

d.Values: Add-On

22.Click 'Add Criteria'.

23.Select/enter the following:

a.Field: Data 8

b.Type: Match Condition (Session)

c.Operator: Equals

d.Values: Promotional Codes

24.Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the article was created.

25.Click 'OK'.

26.Assign the add-on article that you just created as 'Add-On Article' on the primary items (on the items that will trigger the upsell/add-on articles) the following items/pages:

Event Configuration - Events|Basic Page

Product Configuration - Bundles|Details Page

Product Configuration - Miscellaneous Items|Details Page

Product Configuration - Stored Value Items|Details Page

Funds Management - Gifts|Details Page


When customers who have the appropriate membership/benefit are logged into online, and they add one of the primary items to their shopping carts, the add-on article will appear and display the promoted items.


When customers who do not have the appropriate membership/benefit (or are not logged in) select one of the primary items, the add-on article will appear but will not display the promoted items.