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AudienceView Unlimited Product Guides

To configure upsell and add-on articles:

1.Create your upsell and add-on items, ensuring that you select the appropriate 'Sales Type'.

'Sales Type', 'Add-On Article' and 'Upsell Article' can be defined on the following items/pages:

Event Configuration - Events|Basic Page

Product Configuration - Bundles|Details Page

Product Configuration - Miscellaneous Items|Details Page

Product Configuration - Stored Value Items|Details Page

Funds Management - Gifts|Details Page

2.Build your upsell and add-on articles

a.The following is the typical upsell article configuration:

i.On the Articles|Basic page, select Body with Search from the 'Type' dropdown.

ii.On the Articles|Text page, insert the Search Results - Detailed and/or the Search Results - Detailed, Grid Layout search widgets into the body of the article.

iii.On the Articles|Criteria page:

1.Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.

2.Select Sales Type from the 'Field' dropdown.

3.Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.

4.Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.

5.Select Upsell from the 'Values' field.

6.Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.

7.Select Object Type from the 'Field' dropdown.

8.Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.

9.Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.

10.Select Bundles from the 'Values' field.

b.The following is the typical add-on article configuration:

i.On the Articles|Basic page, select Body with Search from the 'Type' dropdown.

ii.On the Articles|Criteria page:

1.Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.

2.Select Sales Type from the 'Field' dropdown.

3.Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.

4.Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.

5.Select Add-On from the 'Values' field.

6.Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.

7.Select Object Type from the 'Field' dropdown.

8.Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.

9.Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.

10.Select Miscellaneous Item from the 'Values' field.

3.Enable the upsell article pop-up, enable the add-on article pop-up and/or enable upsell and add-on article pop-ups in the Desktop for the applicable role(s).

4.Ensure that all of the groups using upsell/add-on articles have the loadArticle property selected under the Application Security - Group|Permissions page's TScontentBO property.
For more information, refer to Group Permissions.

5.If you are enabling upsell and add-on for Desktop users, ensure that the Desktop groups have the tickets Availability property selected under the Application Security - Group|Content page's Customer Services property.
For more information, refer to Group Content.

6.Add the upsell/add-on article(s) that you just created as 'Upsell Article' or 'Add-On Article' on the primary items (on the items that will trigger the upsell/add-on articles).

7.Select the appropriate 'Sales Type' upsell and add-on items. This provides an easy way to filter in the article search results.




If you deep link to an upsell or add-on item within the article, you must include the target = _parent parameter in your link using the following syntax:

<a href="destination URL" target="_parent">label</a>

For more information, refer to Inserting Direct Links in Articles.