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AudienceView Unlimited 7  Product Guides

The Order|History page enables you to view the actions that were performed on an order. The history is grouped across several pages.

To view an order’s history:

1.Open Customer Services from the Desktop.

2.Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.

3.Search for and select the order that you want to view.
The Order|Summary pages appears.

4.Select one of the following optins from the History tab:

Order: The Order|History|Order page displays the activity for the order by date, user and list of actions.

Seats: The Order|History|Seats page allows you to the search for seats on the order.

Tickets: The Order|History|Tickets page allows you to search for ticketson the order.

Gifts: The Order|History|Gifts page allows you to search for gifts on the order.

Gift Certificates/Cards: The Order|History|Gift Certificates/Cards page allows you to search for purchased/reloaded gift certificates/cards on an order.
Payments made with gift certificates or gift cards are displayed on the Order|History|Payments page.

Charges: The Order|History|Charges page allows you to search for charges on the order.

Miscellaneous Items: The Order|History|Miscellaneous Items page allows you to search for the miscellaneous items on the order.

Payments: The Order|History|Payments page allows you to search for the history of payments/refunds on the order.

Bundle: The Order|History|Bundles page allows you to search for bundles on the order.

Correspondence: The Order|History|Correspondence page allows you to search for correspondence associated with an order.